From the aUC San Diego School of Medicine
bUC San Diego Division of Plastic Surgery, San Diego, CA.
Received June 5, 2023, and accepted for publication, after revision February 16, 2024.
Conflicts of interest and sources of funding: none declared.
Author contributions: Andrea Yessaillian designed and executed the study discussed and was the main author in the writing process. She played a significant role in all parts of the study design. Robert Clark provided revisions on each manuscript draft, completed all statistical analyses, assisted with study design, and created figures. Rachel Segal contributed to the revision process of the manuscript, statistical analyses, and study design. Kori Angers contributed to the revision process of the manuscript and study design. Dr. Amanda Gosman reviewed the manuscript and played an integral role in study design. Dr. Christopher Reid gave continual guidance on each manuscript draft and guided the research team during the completion of the study. All authors approved of the final manuscript.
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Reprints: Chris M. Reid, MD, Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, UC San Diego, 200 W. Arbor Drive M/C 8890, San Diego, CA 92013. E-mail: [email protected].
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