Serum antibodies to the autoantigen transglutaminase 2 (TG2) are increasingly harnessed to diagnose coeliac disease. Diagnostic guidelines for children give recommendation for a no-biopsy-based diagnosis through detection of high amounts of IgA anti-TG2 antibodies in serum with confirmation of positivity in a separate blood sample by characteristic autoantibody-staining of tissue. While measurement of IgA anti-TG2 also is important in the diagnostic workup of adults, the adult guidelines still mandate examination of gut biopsies. This requirement might well change in the future, as might the necessity for confirming autoantibody positivity by tissue staining. The key role of autoantibody serology for diagnosis of coeliac disease is paradoxical. Coeliac disease was considered, and still can be considered, a food intolerance disorder where autoantibodies at face value are out of place. The immunological mechanisms underlying the formation of autoantibodies in response to gluten exposure have been dissected. This review presents the current insights demonstrating that the autoantibodies in coeliac disease are intimately integrated in the maladapted immune response to gluten.
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