UNS— The Association of Outstanding Students (Imapres) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has honored the top 12 finalists of the Outstanding Student Competition (Mawapres) UNS 2024. The event took place at the G.P.H Haryo Mataram UNS Auditorium on Tuesday (2/4/2024).
Not only that, Imapres UNS also awarded outstanding students with the best achievements.
In her report, La Tansa Milata Hanifah, the Chairperson of Imapres UNS, mentioned that the series of the Student Achievement Selection (Pilmapres) 2024 was conducted from March 13, 2024, to its culmination on April 2, 2024. During the Pilmapres process, there were 25 participants from bachelor’s programs and 14 students from diploma programs. After undergoing orientation and final selection, 12 finalists were chosen from bachelor’s and diploma programs, with 6 finalists from each category.
Ana Fitri Andriani, S.Sos., M.I.Kom., the Coordinator of Academic and Student Affairs, appreciated Imapres as the organizer and all participants who took part in the Pilmapres 2024 series. Ana also congratulated the Pilmapres winners.
“I express my gratitude to the participants of Pilmapres 2024 and to Imapres as the organizer. Alhamdulillah, the event series has proceeded smoothly. Congratulations to all the winners. For those who did not succeed in becoming champions, do not lose hope, there is still time next year,” she said.
Before announcing the winners, there was a musical performance by the 12 finalists of Mawapres UNS 2024. The names of the winners from 6th to 1st place of Mawapres UNS 2024 diploma program, respectively, are Shofia Esti Hardini from D-3 Mandarin Language 2023; Dionisius Geri Setyawijaya from D-3 Civil Engineering 2022; Anis Shofiana Ningrum from D-3 Agribusiness 2022; Salsabila Nazhifa Putri R. from D-3 Business Management 2022; Falach Noor Syahid from D-3 Applied Communication 2022; and Annisa Muizaningtyas from D-3 Agribusiness 2021.
Meanwhile, the winners from 6th to 1st place of the bachelor’s program include Fatimah Nur Muhammad from the Faculty of Psychology 2021; Awalil Rifqi Kurnia R from the Faculty of Medicine (FK) 2021; Muhammad Azhar from the Faculty of Agriculture (FP) 2021; Zamia Atha’ Putri Julia from FP 2021; Adinda Putri Sholikhah from the Faculty of Psychology 2021; and Bagus Prayoga from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) 2021. Bagus Prayoga, as the 1st place winner of the Outstanding Student of UNS 2024, has the opportunity to represent the university at the regional level. HUMAS UNS
Reporter: Adisti Daniella
Editor: Dwi Hastuti
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