UNS— The New Students Admissions Selection Unit (UPT SPMB) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta held a socialization event with the theme “Discussing UTBK SNBT UNS 2024”. The event was conducted in a more casual format through the UNS CAN! Bincang dan Sapa program broadcasted via the SPMB UNS Instagram Live. The session featured the Coordinator of the Bachelor’s Program Division of UPT SPMB UNS, Ir. Widiyanto, S.P., M.Si., Ph.D., on Wednesday (4/4/2024) afternoon.
The registration for the National Selection Test (SNBT) closed on Friday (5/4/2024) at 3:00 PM WIB. All preparations for the participants must reach their final stages to secure a place in their desired academic programs. However, there still seem to be some common challenges encountered. On this occasion, SPMB UNS provided several tips and suggestions for achieving success in the SNBT 2024.
Prioritize Interests and Talents
Prospective new students will continue their studies at the higher education level. The significant amount of time involved urges them to choose the right major. This often sparks lengthy debates between participants and those around them. Widiyanto advised SNBT participants to choose majors they enjoy. With the approaching deadline for SNBT registration, he continuously reminds participants to find their passion as the foundation for choosing their majors.
“If you don’t like it, if it doesn’t bring joy, if it’s not based on your abilities, then you will face difficulties for the next four years,” Widiyanto emphasized.
Analyze Rigor and Competition
The limited quota requires every participant to compete. The competitiveness of each major will vary. This is due to differences in the number of applicants, popularity, and other factors specific to each study program (Prodi).
This can be prepared for by each SNBT participant through effective learning processes. There are three test materials that will be examined in UTBK 2024, namely the Scholastic Potential Test (TPS), Literacy in Indonesian and English, and Mathematical Reasoning. Thorough preparation of the materials will increase the likelihood of SNBT participants obtaining high scores. This will ultimately give them an advantage in the competition during the SNBT selection process.
“Thorough preparation is needed to surpass relatively many competitors,” he said.
The variety of study programs available in Indonesia also presents an opportunity that can be utilized. SNBT participants can use the remaining time to expand their knowledge of the available study programs. For this reason, Widiyanto advised against to be too fixated on specific majors.
Information about the study programs at UNS can be accessed through https://sidata-ptn-snpmb.bppp.kemdikbud.go.id/ptn_sb.php?ptn=353. There are 93 study programs listed, along with their capacities, applicants, and SNBT portfolio types at UNS.
Furthermore, Widiyanto stated that, on average, SNBT participants who are accepted range from 5-6% of the total number of registrants in a study program. In fact, some specific majors have even higher competitiveness, ranging from only 1-2%.
New Aspects of SNBT 2024
Adjustments and improvements in the selection process continue to be made to identify potential prospective students. In SNBT 2024, there are new aspects to be noted. One of them is the regulation regarding program selection.
Participants can choose four study programs, with two academic and two vocational programs. If they only choose three study programs, participants are allowed to select two academic programs and one vocational program. For participants who want to choose two study programs, they are free to choose any program.
“In principle, for SNBT, candidates who are accepted are based on the highest scores within the capacity of the respective programs. The order of choices one, two, three, or four doesn’t matter. What matters is the high score in the chosen program. If all four are accepted, then they will be selected according to the order of preference,” Widiyanto, Ph.D. explained.
Prevent Crucial Mistakes
Photos are important as they appear on the UTBK participant card. Participants are reminded to use photos that comply with the regulations. Widiyanto advises against making unnecessary changes between the registered photo and the actual appearance during the UTBK. Humas UNS
Reporter: R.P.Adji
Editor: Dwi Hastuti
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