Cardiac Rhabdomyomas Presenting with Critical Cardiac Obstruction in Neonates and Infants: Treatment Strategies and Outcome, A Single-Center Experience

This case series demonstrates that good clinical outcomes are possible in the management of hemodynamically significant cardiac rhabdomyomas even in the hearts of small neonates and a young infant. This was achieved using a personalized patient-specific treatment strategy. The variable pathophysiology at presentation (see Table 1) were due to variable tumor location and burden; hence, it is crucial to identify a personalized plan for each patient with involvement of the multidisciplinary teams, including the cardiologist, cardiothoracic surgeon, and immunologist.

Although complete surgical excision was successful in case 1, this may not always be possible due to the degree of extention of tumor into critical structures nearby or the presence of a high tumor burden. An innovative approach was adopted in two neonates (Case 2 and 5) with multiple rhabdomyomas in the left ventricle causing critical LVOTO and severe LV failure. Simultaneous application of partial resection of left ventricular outflow tract tumor to provide immediate relieve of critical obstruction, a hybrid stage one procedure [17] including ductal stenting and bilateral pulmonary arteries banding to create a right ventricular assist systemic circulation, in the context of poorly performing left ventricle due to high tumor burden and increased afterload, and synergistic mTORi therapy were used to accelerate tumor regression.

Ductal stenting provided secure pulmonary blood flow in the immediate postnatal period [18], allowing time for mTORi to take effect in Case 3 proven to be a successful strategy and avoiding the need to subject the newborn to the risk of open heart surgery and cardiopulmonary bypass. A combination of mTORi and anti-arrhythmia was used in Case 4 with high-tumor burden producing mild-moderate multi-sites obstruction and frequent non-sustained ventricular arrhythmia (Fig. 5). Bespoke innovative approach on a case-by-case basis was proven effective in mitigating hemodynamic instability by alleviating cardiac obstruction and facilitating systemic cardiac output, allowing time for tumor to regress and restoring myocardial function.

Fig. 5figure 5

Serial Holter Strips in Case-5 A at initial presentation with frequent episode of non sustained ventricular tachycardia; B at 20-months after cessation of mTORi therapy showing frequent ventricular ectopic beats

Until recently, surgical resection was the only treatment option for symptomatic cardiac rhabdomyoma, along with other medical measures for stabilization and management of heart failure and arrhythmias. Surgical resection may be challenging to conduct in very small neonates with low birth weight and may not always be possible due to risk of injury to nearby structures. Furthermore, surgical resection may be associated with significant morbidity and mortality [7] compared to medical management.

Mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors such as everolimus and sirolimus have been proven effective in the treatment of TSC manifestation in the brain, subependymal giant cell astrocytoma (SEGA), in kidneys angiolipoma (AML), and skin lesion [8, 10, 19]. Ever since the increased understanding of its role in curbing the overactivity of the mTOR pathway [7] and incidental discovery of potential therapeutic effect in cardiac rhabdomyoma in a child receiving mTORi for SEGA in 2011 [9], these agents have been increasingly accepted as effective therapeutic options for symptomatic cardiac rhabdomyoma. Several single-case reports and small series have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of mTORi therapy in inducing tumor regression in small neonates and infants with symptomatic cardiac rhabdomyoma [9, 11,12,13,14,15, 19,20,21]. We observed similar findings in our cohort. Four of the five cases in our series with TSC mutation showed good response to sirolimus, albeit at variable rates over different time intervals.

Interestingly, the infant who was negative for TSC mutation in our series failed to respond to sirolimus. The question whether treatment should be given to patients without the diagnosis of Tuberous sclerosis or before diagnosis is established remains unanswered. While identification of a pathogenic variant of the TSC1 or TSC2 is sufficient for the diagnosis or prediction of TSC regardless of clinical findings, between 10 and 15% of patients meeting diagnostic criteria for TSC have no mutation identified by conventional genetic testing [22, 23]. High-read depth approaches in next-generation sequencing (NGS) demonstrate low-level mosaic pathogenic variants in some of these individuals [22, 23]. To date, there are only a handful of case reports (4 everolimus, 1 sirolimus) showing positive response to mTORi in young children with negative TSC mutation [24,25,26]. While we understood the mechanism of action for mTORi in individuals with TSC mutation, there is a lack of understanding of pharmacodynamics (drug effect) of mTORi in TSC mutation-negative individuals with cardiac rhabdomyoma. This highlights the need for multicenter collaborative studies to evaluate the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of sirolimus, and their relation to genetics factors.

We chose to use sirolimus as first-line mTORi because unlike everolimus, it was available in liquid form for easy dispensing and administration in neonates and young infants. Although no studies have directly compared both drugs, there are some evidences to suggest that sirolimus induces tumor regression more rapidly than everolimus [9, 11, 13, 15]. Common mTORi side effects include stomatitis, dyslipidaemia, diarrhea, infections, and bone marrow suppression. In most cases, the side effects are mild and easily managed [8, 10, 27]. It is worth noting that side effects are dose dependent [28] and tend to decrease with time of the therapy [29]. Therefore, careful surveillance of these parameters is recommended. For example, at our institution, full blood count, renal, liver, and lipid profiles are performed at baseline prior to starting sirolimus and weekly with sirolimus serum level sampling until a therapeutic level is reached. All patients who are on sirolimus are prescribed prophylaxis antibiotic with co-trimoxazole to prevent opportunistic bacterial infections. Live vaccines are avoided, while the patients are actively being treated with sirolimus due to its immunosuppressive property. Generally, catch-up vaccinations will be performed for these patients at least 2 weeks after the completion of the sirolimus therapy [28]. Non-live vaccines can be administered according to local immunization schedule without changes in the mTORi therapy.

We observed a variable starting dose and serum level sampling time for mTORi at our center. The initial sirolimus dose varies from 0.9 mg/m2/day to 2.3 mg/m2/day, with a higher dosing prescription in the earlier cases compared with the latter (see Table 2). This may reflects an era effect, whereby the initial mTORi dosing was guided by the available literatures at the time and updated over time [11]. Serum drug levels were measured commonly on day seven of the treatment, and as early as day three. A target therapeutic range for mTORi between 15 and 20 ng/dL was chosen because it was believed to deliver therapeutic effects and avoiding toxicity. A recent systematic review by Sugalska et al. (2021) reported the efficacy and safety of mTORi in thirty case reports or case series involving 41 pediatric TSC patients with CRs: 68.3% (28/41) were treated with everolimus and 31.7% (13/41) with sirolimus. The authors observed that mTORi doses were significantly differed between these studies, especially in the sirolimus group [30]. This may be due to lack of high-quality pediatric data on mTORi in CR to date, and mTORi dosing in early case reports or series was extrapolated from studies conducted in adults or successful everolimus therapy in pediatric patients with SEGA [5, 8, 25]. Hence, large randomized studies such as the ORACLE trial may help to address this issue in the near future [31].

Neonates and young infants are predisposed to very high serum drug levels, because they have lower activity of liver enzymes. Their activity of CYP3A4 is approximately 30–40% compared to adults and children after first month of life, leading to lower drug clearances [32]. In our series, the four neonatal patients with supratherapeutic levels were commenced on sirolimus before seven days of life, while a 4-month-old infant with persistent low sirolimus level despite up-titration. In the 4 neonates, a starting sirolimus dose of 1 mg/m2/day, 1.4 mg/m2/day, and 2.3 mg/m2/day, respectively, generated a serum level of 47.8, 92, 26n, and 108 ng/mL. As for the 4-month-old infant, starting sirolimus dose of 0.9mg/m2/day yielded a level of 5.5 ng/mL. These findings confirmed there is a large variability in pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) in pediatric patients, for narrow therapeutic range drugs such as mTORi [33, 34]. One of four patients with supratherapeutic levels suffered acute renal failure, and elevated serum lipid level was observed in three of the four patients. Similar mild side effects were observed in the literature [11,12,13] and a case of pulmonary hemorrhage was noted in a neonate three days after everolimus therapy [35]. Mizuno et al. in 2017 reported on a PK model-based strategy for the precision dosing of sirolimus as part of prospective concentration controlled clinical trials in pediatric patients with vascular anomalies [36]. Twelve-month follow-up data were collected and analyzed from 52 pediatric patients, aged three weeks to two years old, and participating in a Phase 2 clinical trial [36]. The authors concluded that younger children such as neonates and young infants required lower sirolimus dose to achieve target level ~ 10ng/ml and they have lower sirolimus clearance compared to children older than two years of age. Based on their actual measured sirolimus concentrations over the twelve-month study period, to achieve level of ~ 10ng/mL for age groups 0–1, 1–2, 2–3, 3–4, 4–6, 6–9, 9–12, and 12–24 months, respectively, starting dose identified were 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 1.1, 1.3, and 1.6mg/m2/day, respectively. Based on the evidence in the literature and the results from our series, we believe it is reasonable to consider a lower starting dose in small neonates and young infants and uptitrate according to real-time sirolimus level to the targeted therapeutic range (See the proposed strategy for sirolimus dosing and monitoring below).

The duration of treatment for our cohort was between seventeen days and four years. In general, the sirolimus was discontinued once 50–70% reduction in tumor size or alleviation of gradient was achieved, with exception in one case where the treatment was extended for 4 years with the intention to treat TSC-associated manifestation in the brain where the child suffered with intractable seizure. Similar approaches were observed in the reported cases in the literature [14, 37]. Rebound growth of the cardiac rhabdomyoma was observed in our cohort and in the literature after the cessation of sirolimus, and in some cases, mTORi was recommenced to mitigate the obstruction, however, in majority of the cases that was not necessary (11, 13).

There is a general lack of consensus in the literature concerning the prescribing strategy for mTORi, the target therapeutic range, and the timing for serum drug level sampling. We advocate for a standardized approach to mTORi prescription and monitoring to ensure the medication safety, especially in the small preterm or term neonates and infants who are more susceptible to drug toxicity due to their immature organ function and variable underlying pharmacokinetics.

We proposed the following strategy for sirolimus dosing and monitoring for neonates and infants:


Optimal starting sirolimus dose for neonates – 0.5mg/m2/day and titrate up by 10–15% based on serum drug level.


In premature neonates, to start at lower dose, e.g., 0.25mg/m2/day and uptitrate by 10–15% based on serum drug level.


Optimal starting sirolimus dose for infants 2 to 6 months old – 0.5 to 1mg/m2/day and uptitrate by 10–15% based on serum drug level.


Optimal starting sirolimus dose for infants 6 to 12 months old – 1 to 1.5mg/m2/day and uptitrate by 10–15% based on serum drug level.


Target therapeutic serum sirolimus level – 15 to 20 ng/mL


Timing of serum level monitoring (Trough) – day 3 and day 7 post-1st dose and then weekly once the steady state is achieved. Repeat this step after any dose adjustment.


Duration of treatment – aim for 50–70% reduction in tumur size or alleviation of gradient, e.g., 4 to 8 weeks or longer if indicated for synergistic therapy of other TSC manifestations (e.g., refractory seizures)


Close monitoring for rebound growth of CR upon cessation of mTORi therapy, e.g., twice weekly TTE initially

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