Zio® XT Patches in Pediatrics During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Comparisons Between In-Person and Mail-Home Application

The Zio® (Zio) XT Patch is a 14-day continuous ambulatory ECG monitor. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Zios were mailed directly to patients for self-application. The purpose of this study was to compare the percent artifact, a marker for quality, of in-clinic (IC) to mail-home (MH) applications in a pediatric population. A single-center, IRB-approved study of patients 0– < 21 years of age with Zios was studied for wear and artifact time filtered out based on iRhythm’s proprietary algorithm. In total, 284 Zios were randomly selected and analyzed for total wear time and artifact. Of these, 149 were IC prior to 12/31/2019 and 135 MH patches prescribed after 1/1/2020. No significant difference was found for percent artifact between the IC (7.8%) and MH (8.3%) group. Average IC wear-time was 127 h compared to MH at 99 h (p = 0.02). In conclusion, application of Zio patches outside of the pediatric cardiology clinic offers equivalent artifact, a marker of quality, as those applied in clinic and should be consideration as a viable alternative.

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