Cytoskeletal dynamics in parasites

ElsevierVolume 86, February 2024, 102277Current Opinion in Cell BiologyAuthor links open overlay panel, , Abstract

Cytoskeletal dynamics are essential for cellular homeostasis and development for both metazoans and protozoans. The function of cytoskeletal elements in protozoans can diverge from that of metazoan cells, with microtubules being more stable and actin filaments being more dynamic. This is particularly striking in protozoan parasites that evolved to enter metazoan cells. Here, we review recent progress towards understanding cytoskeletal dynamics in protozoan parasites, with a focus on divergent properties compared to classic model organisms.

Section snippetsIntroductory motivation

Parasitism is likely the predominant form of life on earth. We here define parasites as eukaryotic pathogens, and these can come in many shapes and sizes. Some live as single-celled protozoans with diameters of less than a micrometer; others such as intestinal worms, grow meters long. Parasites live in or on another organism and damage their hosts. As parasites pose a major burden on global human health, parasite research has produced significant value from a medical point of view. It, however,

Pronounced functional separation of actin and tubulin-based cytoskeletons

In metazoans, cytoplasmic microtubules usually function to stabilize cellular integrity, while actin filaments generate dynamic force. In single-celled parasites, this functional separation often appears amplified. Importantly for the focus of this review, in most protozoans, actin filaments are rarely detected and appear highly dynamic and unstable, while microtubules can be exceptionally stable and are often not depolymerized by classic drugs known to interfere with metazoan microtubules.

Building different microtubule arrays in parallel

Examples of unique microtubule-based structures in parasites include arrays of subpellicular microtubules (SPMTs) in Apicomplexa, the ventral disc of Giardia, and the conoid fibers of Toxoplasma gondii (Figure 1) [13]. Often, these diverse structures assemble in parallel in a common cytoplasm. To understand how only a few tubulin building blocks (Table 1) lead to this plethora of observed microtubule architectures, we need to explore how intrinsic microtubule properties are diversified by

Microtubules in parasite division

One fascinating feature of parasite division, which is very different from the textbook picture of cell division as it occurs in animal cells, is their sometimes asymmetric microtubule biogenesis and inheritance. Trypanosomes, for example, multiply by binary fission, prior to which they grow a new flagellum alongside the mother flagellum (Figure 1c). As in Giardia, the question is how microtubule dynamics are spatially regulated to allow extension of the new daughter flagellum while maintaining

Microtubule dynamics

At the heart of connecting tubulin biochemistry to larger-scale structures will be the quantitative analysis of microtubule dynamics in living parasites (Figure 3a,b). Apart from a few examples [28, 29, 30, 18], the small size of parasites has so far precluded detailed live imaging in single cells. The intrinsic dynamicity of Plasmodium microtubules has been recently shown by in vitro reconstitution [31]. In this study, tubulin was purified from Plasmodium blood stages that contain very few

Post-translational modifications of parasite microtubules

The recruitment and activity of some MAPs (not yet MIPs) have been shown to be regulated by tubulin post-translational modifications (PTMs). Tubulin polyglutamylation, for example, was shown to promote the activity of microtubule-severing enzymes [39]. Other PTMs, however, directly regulate microtubule dynamics (Figure 2c). Acetylation, for example, confers flexural rigidity and mechanical resistance on microtubules [40]. While most of the mechanistic studies on PTMs have been done on in vitro

The unusual actins and actin-binding proteins of parasites

While actin genes are highly conserved across metazoans, they show surprising sequence diversity in parasitic protozoans. Actin from Giardia lamblia shows less than 60% identity to yeast or human actin [45], and the two actin proteins in Plasmodium show less than 80% identity to yeast and human actin, as well as among each other [46]. Only about a dozen classical ABPs including formins, could be identified in the genome of Plasmodium, with only one being an actin filament-binding protein,

Actin in gliding motility

In Plasmodium and T. gondii, a flattened set of organelles called the inner membrane complex (IMC) subtends the plasma membrane. Actin is polymerized by formin 1 that is localized at the apical (front) end of the parasites [54, 55, 56, 57∗∗]. These actin filaments are linked to plasma membrane-embedded receptors that bind ligands on the substrate of the host cell surface, while myosin motors are anchored in the IMC by a unique set of light chains and associated proteins and move actin filaments

Unique actin dynamics in parasites

Apicomplexan actin itself shows intriguing characteristics. Filaments polymerize in vitro up to 30 μm but rapidly break upon adenosine triphosphate to adenosine diphosphate conversion and reach a ‘steady-state’ length of just 100 nm [71, 72, 73, 74, 75]. Recent work on the actin of Leishmania, parasites as distantly related to Plasmodium as to humans, showed similarly similar dynamics [76]. Interestingly, unlike Plasmodium actin [72,77], Leishmania actin would copolymerize with human actin [76

Host cell actin and intracellular parasites

To invade cells, parasites also interact with host cell actin, for example, T. gondii depolymerizes host cell actin with the use of a unique protein, toxofilin, to facilitate entry [84, 85, 86] and Cryptosporidium induces an actin belt that forms a barrier between the parasite and the host cell cytoplasm while occupying the intestinal wall [87]. Host cell GTPases contribute to the successful invasion of hepatocytes by Plasmodium [88], and once the parasites grow in hepatocytes, large actin


Why study the cytoskeleton of parasites? We hope to have transmitted some of our fascination with the diverse functions of cytoskeletal components in protozoans that allow us to expand the structural and biochemical space that these ubiquitous polymers can occupy across eukaryotic life. We hope that our few examples have highlighted how parasites build intriguing and unique intracellular assemblies and how they move at high speed through tissues. We strongly believe that the study of parasite


We report no relevant funding sources associated with this article.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this study.


Work in the laboratory of SR is supported by the DFG IRTG2290 and a Max Planck Fellowship. Work in the laboratory of FF is supported by the DFG research networks SFB 1129, SPP 2225, SPP 2332, the German Center for Infection Research and a Wellcome Trust Discovery Award. We thank Andrew Kennard and the Fritz-Laylin lab (University of Massachusetts, Amherst) for sharing unpublished N. fowleri tubulin sequence data.

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