PCy3 assisted Ag(I) catalyzed click reaction for regioselective synthesis of 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazoles at room temperature

An approach towards Cu-free click chemistry has been reported in this work. Silver catalyzed PCy3 ligand assisted 1,4-disubstituted 1,2,3-triazole synthesis has been developed at room temperature. Regioselectivity of the reaction is confirmed by single crystal XRD (SC-XRD) of one of the products. SC-XRD of ex situ generated Ag-PCy3 complex has assisted us to propose a plausible mechanism of the reaction which exhibits similar catalytic activity with that of in situ generated complex. The methodology works well with benzyl azides, phenyl azides, terminal alkynes and internal alkynes in aqueous medium. The one-pot three component reaction leading to 1,2,3-triazole synthesis also proceeded well.

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