Nursing students' metaphorical perceptions of elderly sexuality: An example of metaphor analysis

Sexuality is a concept with anatomical, physiological, psycho-social and cultural components and is defined as one of the most basic and natural aspects of human identity, which includes many meanings such as love, intimacy, sexual orientation, social identity, roles and reproduction for individuals (Alam and Fadila, 2016, Reyhan et al., 2018). In addition, sexuality is a complex concept that includes attitudes, beliefs, values, personality, self and body image, past experiences, social and cultural characteristics (Dominguez & Barbagallo, 2016). Sexuality is recognised as a fundamental human right and one of the main components of a healthy life (Merghati-Khoei et al., 2016). Sexuality is an important need for every individual and problems related to sexual health affect the quality of life (Altay et al., 2023, Boyacıoğlu et al., 2023) of individuals it is stated that it affects negatively. However, it is of great importance that nurses, who are important members of the health care team and provide uninterrupted health care services, can take history to determine sexual health problems in elderly individuals, identify problems and make appropriate care plans. In the literature, it is reported that nurses trained in sexuality have a positive attitude towards discussing sexuality (Bauer and Huebner, 2013, Mahieu et al., 2016; Saunamaki et al., 2010). Furthermore, it is stated that nursing students are generally uncomfortable to address and talk about sexuality (Blakey & Aveyard, 2017). Although there are descriptive studies examining the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students regarding elderly sexuality in the literature (Blakey and Aveyard, 2017, Reyhan et al., 2022, Wilschut et al., 2021), a limited number of studies using a phenomenological approach (Apak & Yılkan, 2020) were found. It is thought that determining the metaphorical perceptions, knowledge and attitudes of nursing students towards elderly sexuality can contribute to the inclusion of elderly sexuality and sexual health care in the nursing education process and to provide comprehensive quality health care to elderly individuals in the future. In this context, the study was conducted to reveal the metaphorical perceptions of nursing students about elderly sexuality.

For elderly individuals, sexuality does not only mean sexual intercourse, but also includes concepts such as passion, loving or touching someone, togetherness, sharing and closeness. It is known that many factors such as physiological and hormonal changes that occur with advanced age, psycho-social and cultural factors, chronic diseases, multiple drug use negatively affect the sexual functions of the elderly (Merghati-Khoei et al., 2016). However, the myths about elderly sexuality in the society are often that there is no sexuality in the elderly and that sexual life ends with aging. On the contrary, it is stated in the literature that sexual life continues even if there is a decrease / deterioration in sexual functions with aging (Oren et al., 2016). In the studies in the literature, it is reported that the sexual life and interest of the elderly continue and that they enjoy this active sexual life (DeLamater, 2012, Freak-Poli et al., 2017, Træen et al., 2019a, Wilschut et al., 2021). In addition, an active sex life is associated with higher self-esteem, decreased pain sensitivity, increased relationship satisfaction and increased life expectancy (Syme et al., 2019, Træen et al., 2016, von Humboldt et al., 2023). In a qualitative study conducted with the elderly, the elderly reported that they continued their sexual life, that sexuality was important to them and that they were against the negative attitudes in the society (Yılkan et al., 2019). However, in some studies, it is stated that the elderly population is excluded, (DeLamater, 2012, Træen et al., 2019a) and this situation leads to a negative attitude towards the sexuality of the elderly due to the association of sexuality with the concepts of youth and beauty (DeLamater, 2012, Kenny, 2013, Træen et al., 2019a).

Sexuality in our country is under the influence of a number of factors such as social structure, family structure, religious beliefs, cultural values, traditions and customs, sexual myths, and this situation affects individuals' perspective on sexuality, sexual development process, sexual attitudes and behaviours. This leads to the perception of sexuality as something that cannot be talked about easily, something private and dangerous. Failure to talk about sexuality creates an obstacle for individuals to access accurate information and information on sexuality is obtained from sources that do not have scientific value (Apay et al., 2013; Özdemir & Yılmaz, 2020). For this reason, sexuality continues to be a taboo and health professionals providing services in healthcare have difficulty assessing the sexual functions of patients. In a study conducted with health professionals, 69.2% of health professionals stated that sexuality-related issues were not discussed in their families, information about sexuality was not given, and it was also determined that they had sexual myths (Özdemir & Yılmaz, 2020). It is thought that this situation may constitute a major obstacle in the holistic care of nursing students, who will be the nurses of the future, as well as health workers. Considering the increasing elderly population worldwide and the existing negative attitudes towards elderly sexuality, determining the knowledge and attitudes of nursing students towards elderly sexuality is very important in terms of providing holistic health care to elderly individuals. Therefore, this study aimed to describe the metaphoric perceptions of nursing students towards elderly sexuality through metaphor. It is considered that the study will contribute to the literature in terms of revealing the perspectives of nursing students who will provide health care and consultancy services to elderly individuals in the future, how they define elderly sexuality and their attitudes towards elderly sexuality.

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