[MIC-Advanced pub] Extracellular DNA secreted in yeast cultures is metabolism-specific and inhibits cell proliferation

1 Department of Biology, University of Naples “Federico II”, Via Cinthia 26, 80126 Naples, Italy.

2 Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmental and Animal Sciences, University of Udine, via delle Scienze 206, 33100 Udine, Italy.

3 Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Naples “Federico II”, via Università 100, 80055 Portici (NA), Italy.

4 Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources CNR, Via Università 133, 80055 Portici (NA), Italy.

5 Cutaneous Biology Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA.

6 Task Force Microbiome – University of Naples “Federico II”.

7 Laboratory of Biotechnological Processes for Energy and Industry, ENEA, Via Anguillarese, 301, – 00123 Rome, Italy.

8 Department of Industrial Engineering, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Via Giovanni Paolo II 132, 84084 Fisciano, SA, Italy-

9 Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS) Core Facilities, Viale Regina Elena 299, 00161 Rome, Italy.

Keywords: exDNA, eccDNA, self-DNA, 1H NMR, metabolomics, cell cycle.


eccDNA – extrachromosomal circular DNA,

EFC – exponential feeding culture,

exDNA – extracellular DNA,

FCM – flow cytometric analysis,

LFC – limited feeding culture.
Received originally: 28/07/2023 Received in revised form: 20/10/2023
Accepted: 03/11/2023 Published: 23/11/2023

Stefano Mazzoleni, Dept. Agricultural Sciences, Via Università 100, 80055 Portici (NA), Italy; stefano.mazzoleni@unina.it

Conflict of interest statement:

EdA design and coordination of all experimental work, conceptual discussion, manuscript writing. GI conceptual discussion, data analysis (compari-son of sequences of exDNA and eccDNA, correlation of NMR spectral data). FC conceptual discussion, manu-script and figures preparation. MLC coordination of se-quencing and bioinformatic analysis. CC data analysis and figures of exDNA sequences. EP experimental work of inhibition tests, KEGG pathway analysis of exDNA se-quences. PT and AF DNA extraction and inhibition tests. GB and FM critical discussion and manuscript revision. RC critical discussion and cell cycle analysis. MI DNA am-plification and inhibition tests. CL and PP fed-batch cul-tures and bioreactors setting. MS and VT flow cytometric analysis and cell cycle data analysis. BdF HAP exDNA ex-traction and quantification. VL coordination of NMR analysis. SM team coordination, conceptual design of the work and manuscript preparation.
Please cite this article as: Elisabetta de Alteriis, Guido Incerti, Fabrizio Cartenì, Maria Luisa Chiusano, Chiara Colantuono, Emanuela Palomba, Pasquale Termolino, Francesco Monticolo, Alfonso Esposito, Giuliano Bonanomi, Rosanna Capparelli, Marco Iannaccone, Alessandro Foscari, Carmine Landi, Palma Parascandola, Massimo Sanchez, Valentina Tirelli, Bruna de Falco, Virginia Lanzotti and Stefano Mazzoleni (2023). Extracellular DNA secreted in yeast cultures is metabolism specific and inhibits cell proliferation. Microbial Cell 10(12): 277-295. doi: 10.15698/mic2023.12.810

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