Serum Glucocorticoid-Regulated Kinase-1 in Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: Blessing or Curse [Minireview]


The family of serum-glucocorticoid-regulated kinase (SGK) consists of three paralogs, SGK-1, SGK-2, and SGK-3, with SGK-1 being the better studied. Indeed, recognition of the role of SGK-1 in regulation of cell survival and proliferation has led to introduction of a number of small-molecule inhibitors for some types of cancer. In addition, SGK-1 regulates major physiologic effects, such as renal solute transport, and contributes to the pathogenesis of non-neoplastic conditions involving major organs including the heart and the kidney. These observations raise the prospect for therapeutic modulation of SGK-1 to reduce the burden of such diseases as myocardial infarction and acute kidney injury. Following a brief description of the structure and function of SGK family of proteins, the present review is primarily focused on our current understanding of the role of SGK-1 in pathologies related to ischemia-reperfusion injury involving several organs (e.g., heart, kidney). The essential role of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in cell death coupled with the pro-survival function of SGK-1 raise the prospect that its therapeutic modulation could beneficially impact conditions associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury.

SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Since the discovery of serum glucocorticoid-regulated kinase (SGK)-1, extensive research has unraveled its role in cancer biology and, thus, its therapeutic targeting. Increasingly, it is also becoming clear that SGK-1 is a major determinant of the outcome of ischemia-reperfusion injury to various organs. Thus, evaluation of existing information should help identify gaps in our current knowledge and also determine whether and how its therapeutic modulation could impact the outcome of ischemia-reperfusion injury.

FootnotesReceived July 20, 2023.Accepted September 11, 2023.

This submission did not receive external funding.

No author has an actual or perceived conflict of interest with the content of this article.

Copyright © 2023 by The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

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