Available online 26 October 2023
世界针灸学会联合会 (简称WFAS) 是在世界卫生组织的指导下, 由中国,日本,法国等10多个国家50多个学会联合发起, 于1987年11月正式成立国际学术组织, 也是首个总部设立在中国北京的国际学术组织.截止2023年9月, WFAS已经拥有264个团体会员, 分布在70多个国家和地区, 是国际上规模最大的针灸非政府组织.建会30余年来世界针联积极推进针灸国际传播, 参与全球针灸科研治理.1998年与世界卫生组织建立非政府组织正式工作关系;2010年, 被国际标准化组织中医药技术委员会 (ISO/TC 249) 接纳为A级联络组织;2019年, 经联合国经社理事会审议通过, 被确认获得联合国经济及社会理事会特别咨商地位.
2.1 举办针灸国际学术活动WFAS举办丰富多样的各类国际针灸学术活动.特别是2010年11月“中医针灸”被联合国教科文组织列入人类非物质文化代表作名录后, 为让中医针灸惠及世界, 世界针联努力开创针灸国际传播新模式.一是打造国际品牌活动, 推动针灸国际传播.世界针联开展“一带一路”中医药针灸风采行系列活动,国际针灸学术研讨会,世界针灸学术大会等品牌活动, 凝聚世界各地的针灸社会组织,学校和科研机构的力量, 共同推动中医针灸的国际传播.二是整合互联网平台资源, 加强针灸国际宣传推广.世界针联借助网络传播优势, 录制播出“说明白·讲清楚”针灸论坛以及“名中医百家讲坛”.这些丰富的学术活动, 促进了针灸国际学术交流, 提升了针灸科学研究水平.以刘保延主席为代表的专家学者发表了一系列高水平针灸临床研究论文, 生产了一批高质量的临床证据.
2.2 推动国际针灸标准化建设针灸国际标准的制定对于针灸的国际传播具有重要意义.世界针联积极推动针灸标准化工作, 于2013年成立世界针联标准工作委员会.该工作委员会主要负责世界针灸行业组织标准化工作, 为针灸标准化工作在国内外的全面展开奠定了坚实的组织基础.截至目前,
Future近年来针灸临床和基础研究水平明显提升, 标准化工作长足发展, 但同时也存在世界针灸发展不平衡的问题.WFAS将进一步细化工作任务, 开展针对世界上主要传统医学组织及各国传统医学管理机构情况的调研工作, 掌握世界卫生组织总部及各区域办事处关于传统医学的活动情况, 为世界针联及各工作委员会参与世界卫生组织活动提供信息咨询, 为中医针灸的国际化发展作出更大的贡献.作为引领针灸发展的国际组织, 世界针联将团结全球中医针灸力量, 促进世界针灸体系的学术繁荣和技术发展, 让中医药针灸成为全世界人民所及,所享,所用, 为全人类的健康福祉及文明的可持续发展做出贡献.
History and presentThe World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS) was established in 1987 as a global society initiated by over 50 acupuncture associations in more than 10 countries, including China, Japan, and France, which was under the guidance of the World Health Organization (WHO). The WFAS is the first international academic organization headquartered in Beijing, China. By September, 2023, the WFAS has 264 member societies in over 70 countries and regions, making it the largest
Organizing international academic activities on acupuncture and moxibustionThe WFAS organizes a variety of international academic activities on acupuncture and moxibustion. Especially, after acupuncture and moxibustion of traditional Chinese medicine was inscribed on the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, the WFAS has endeavored to develop a new mode of international dissemination of acupuncture and moxibustion in order to share its benefits around the world. First, to
FutureIn recent years, the level of clinical and basic research on acupuncture has been significantly improved, and great strides have been made in acupuncture standardization, but unbalanced development is still a problem. The WFAS would conduct research on the status of major traditional medicine organizations and traditional medicine authorities worldwide, knowing the activities of the WHO headquarters and regional traditional medicine agencies, which can provide information for the WFAS and its
Conflicts of interestThe authors declare that there are no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
CRediT authorship contribution statementDrafting of the manuscript: Hui-jun QIAO.
Critical revision of the manuscript for important intellectual content: Yuyang-YANG.
Ethics statementNot applicable.
Data availabilityNot applicable.
View full text© 2023 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of World Journal of Acupuncture Moxibustion House.
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