Available online 15 September 2023, 100211
Many studies have suggested that cognitive and affective abilities (such as math anxiety- MA and math self-efficacy) explain individual differences in math.
Purpose: The present study explores the interplay between MA, math self-efficacy, spatial anxiety and spatial abilities in explaining individual differences on two complex math tasks.
Procedures: Ninety-three college students took part in the experiment and completed 3 emotional questionnaires, in addition to 2 math tasks and a mental rotation task.
Findings: The interplay between math performances and cognitive and affective factors is related to task demand. MA and spatial abilities affected math performances directly, regardless of task. Spatial anxiety had only an indirect effect on math performances via MA, regardless of task.
Conclusions: These finding suggest that for math performances, contrary to MA, real spatial abilities rather than perceived spatial anxiety play a significant role in explaining individual differences. Hence, the present result dissociates cognitive and emotional factors.
KeywordsSpatial skills 1
spatial anxiety2
mathematics 3
individual differences 4
math anxiety 5
math self-efficacy6
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