Hormone Research in Paediatrics
Coutant R. · Leheup B. · Nicolino M. · Salles J.-P.Log in to MyKarger to check if you already have access to this content.
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Article / Publication Details AbstractIntroduction Growth hormone (GH) therapy improves height outcomes in short children born small for gestational age (SGA); however, real-world data on long-term GH exposure are few. Methods We report results from an observational study (NCT01578135) including children born SGA, treated with GH at 126 sites in France and followed-up for >5 years until achieving final adult height (FAH) or until study termination. Primary endpoints were the proportion of patients with normal (>−2) height standard deviation score (SDS) at last visit and with normal FAH SDS. Post hoc analyses were performed by multivariate logistic regression analysis with stepwise elimination to identify factors associated with GH dose modulation and normal height SDS achievement. Results Of 1408 registered patients, a representative sample (n = 291) was selected for long-term follow-up. At last visit, 193/291 (66.3%) children achieved normal height SDS and 72/291 (24.7%) reached FAH. FAH SDS was >–2 for chronological age in 48 (66.7%) children and >–2 for adult age in 40 (55.6%) children. In the post hoc analyses, height SDS at last visit was a significant determinant of whether GH dose had been modulated. Factors significantly associated with reaching normal height SDS were baseline height SDS (taller, better), age at treatment start (younger, better), treatment duration excluding discontinuation periods (longer, better) and absence of a chronic disease. Most (70%) adverse events were non-serious, with 39% considered possibly/probably related to GH treatment. Conclusions GH therapy was fairly effective in most short children born SGA. No new safety concerns were identified.
S. Karger AG, Basel
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