The St. Gallen Consensus Conference on early breast cancer treatment 2023 was again a live event and took place in Vienna, Austria. After 4 years and one virtual event due to the pandemic, more than 2,800 participants from over 100 countries came together in Vienna, and the 2023 St. Gallen/Vienna conference was a great success. Over three days, the global faculty reviewed the most important evidence published during the last 2 years, and debated over controversial topics, and finally, the Consensus votes aimed to define the impact of the new data on everyday routine practice. A focus of this year’s conference were radiotherapy and local management of the axilla, genetics and their impact on treatment as well as the role of the immune system, and tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in pathological reports and treatment decision-making. The traditional panel votes were moderated for the first time by Harold Burstein from Boston, and with questions previously voted on and live voting, the panel managed for the most part to clarify the critical questions. This report by editors of BREAST CARE summarizes the results of the 2023 international panel votes with respect to locoregional and systemic treatment as a brief news update, but does not intend to replace the official St.Gallen Consensus publication that not just reports but also interprets the panel votes and will follow shortly in a major oncological journal. The next (19th) St.Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference will again take place in Vienna (Save the date: March 12–15, 2025).
The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
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