Delayed seropositivity is associated with lower levels of SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels in patients with mild to moderate COVID-19

There are several uncertainties regarding the timing, quantity, kinetics, and persistence of SARS-CoV-2 antibody production. Although most individuals produce antibodies following infection, some patients either experience delayed seroconversion or do not generate an immune response at all [13, 16].

In our study, fever was the most common symptom among patients (85.9%), followed by respiratory symptoms (69.6%) and myalgia and arthralgia (46.7% %). Zhang et al. [17] reported that fever was the most common symptom (75.8%), while Guan et al. [18] reported a lower percentage of fever among similar patients (48.7%).

No statistical differences were observed between either of the two antibodies examined and any of the symptoms studied. In a similar study, fever and body ache were found to be correlated with higher antibody levels [19]. Differences between studies could be attributed to variations in disease severity, antibody kits used, and differences in sample collection.

The importance of asymptomatic infections lies in their ability to spread the infection in the community without taking precautionary measures, as they are not aware of their infectious state [4, 6]. A meta-analysis revealed that 17% of the total PCR-confirmed COVID-19 patients were asymptomatic [20]. In our study, only 3.3% of home-isolated patients were asymptomatic, which is comparable to another study reporting 2.1% of home-isolated patients without symptoms [13]. However, an Egyptian study among HCWs reported a much higher rate of asymptomatic cases, where anti-S seropositivity was found in 39.1% of unvaccinated participants. This might be due to their higher exposure to COVID-19 infection [21].

It is worth noting that one of our asymptomatic patients had pneumonia detected by CT, highlighting the importance of careful screening and follow-up of such cases. A meta-analysis reported that the asymptomatic rates were significantly lower among the elderly compared with children [13]. Another study found that asymptomatic COVID-19 persons were significantly more likely to be females and younger than symptomatic patients (38 versus 52 years) [16]. However, associated factors for the asymptomatic state could not be studied in our work due to the small numbers of asymptomatic participants. We observed that our three asymptomatic patients were seropositive at different time points. Only one asymptomatic patient in our study seroconverted early while the other two seroconverted more than 25 days after PCR positivity. The significance of delayed seroconversion in some patients is still unclear [22]. Unfortunately, in our study we could not assess the effect of viral load on symptomatic/asymptomatic states as we could not obtain data on viral load for all patients.

We found that the rate of seroconversion decreased with time, and late seroconverters also had a significantly lower antibody response compared to early-sero-converters. This finding is consistent with the results of Lucas et al., who also reported that antibody responses that develop within 14 days of symptom onset correlated with recovery, whereas those induced at later time points appear to lose this protective effect [23].

The time to seroconversion of anti-NP was significantly associated with age (p = 0.002), chronic diseases (p = 0.028), and occupation (p = 0.036) but not with sex. Additionally, the median anti-NP COI value, anti-S seropositivity, and ratio were all higher in the older age group indicating a stronger humoral response among older patients. This finding is consistent with the study by Amjadi et al. [19]. In contrast, other studies have reported an impaired antibody response with aging, attributed to B cell contraction and impaired antibody production following infections and vaccination [23]. Liu et al. did not find any associations between any demographic, clinical, and laboratory data with serostatus, although they reported a trend for increasing antibody positivity with increasing symptom severity [24].

In our study, we found significantly higher median anti-S ratios among males compared to females (p = 0.015). This finding is consistent with results reported by Amjadi et al. [19] who found that males had higher antibody levels and were also correlated with severe disease among hospitalized patients. This suggests that, males who are not hospitalized may be at greater risk of developing the severe disease compared to females.

In our work, it was observed that, older participant and those with anemia or chronic diseases had a higher and/or earlier immune response. Consistent with this finding, another study found that patients who tested positive for total antibodies were more likely to be diabetic or have an underlying malignancy than those who tested negative [18]. Amjadi et al. also reported in their study that greater disease severity, older age, male sex, and higher Charlson Comorbidity Index scores consistently correlated with higher antibody titers [19]. However, other reports suggest that older age and obesity may impair antibody responses [23, 25]. The contradictory results regarding differences in antibody production in relation to comorbidities warrant further investigations into their possible mechanisms. To better understand the determinants of immune response in COVID-19 patients and improve the early management of high-risk patients, more studies need to investigate the differences in risk factors. Long et al. [8] and Egger et al. [9] found a correlation between levels of COIs of anti-NP-positive patients and viral loads in their throat samples by PCR. They concluded that numeric values of this assay could be used to indicate the magnitude of antibody response. In our study, the mean value of COI of anti-NP was 11.73 ± 20.01, and the mean ratio of anti-S was 8.8 ± 18.9. The lower antibody levels in our study compared to those in other studies might be due to the difference in disease severity. Our study included only mild to moderate cases while other studies reported higher antibody levels in more severe COVID-19 patients [14].

In this study, we found that within 15 days after symptoms appeared a higher percentage of participants had positive anti-S compared to anti-NP (82.6% versus 75%). These results are consistent with the findings of Orth-Höller et al., who reported positive IgG titers in most mild and moderate patients after 2 to 3 weeks [26]. Similar to our findings, a study found that 1–3 months after symptoms, 98.3% of mild-moderate patients tested positive for anti-S compared to 85.6% for anti-N [27]. However, some researchers observed that anti-NP tend to appear earlier and are more sensitive than anti-S antibodies [5].

Our current study has shown a very high cumulative seropositivity rate (99%) by the end of the study period (55 days after symptom onset) which is consistent with previous studies [7, 8]. However, this is in contrast to the results of a study from Japan that reported anti-S seropositivity of only 47.8% in similar patients [6]. As our study has shown delayed or absent antibody production in some patients we recommend repeating negative antibody testing for clinically suspected patients who show seronegativity, until an average period of one month has elapsed. It is important to note that antibody testing results reflect a history of exposure rather than a recent infection diagnosis.

In our study, we found that two patients failed to seroconvert at the end of the 55 days. One patient remained anti-NP seronegative, while the other remained seronegative for anti-S. Other researchers have reported similar findings of serostatus suggesting that a small proportion of patients may have difficulty in rapidly developing immunity against SARS-CoV-2 and that their management needs to be more cautious as they may be prone to recurrence or re-infection [3]. It is also likely that seroconverters and non-seroconverters will probably also respond differently to vaccination. Recent studies revealed that seropositive persons have a heightened antibody response even after the first dose of vaccine, than those with weaker antibody responses. Additionally, COVID-19 patients who have been confirmed by PCR may be less inclined to get vaccinated, believing they are no longer at risk of infection. However, observations on the serostatus of infected persons in our study contradict this assumption [24].

Our results on seroconversion following infection by SARS-CoV-2 should be interpreted in the context of the prevailing viral variants in the country at the time of the study. Different viral variants can produce variable immune responses in terms of magnitude and neutralizing abilities. For instance, a study on B.1.1.298 variant showed a 10-fold lower antibody titer 24 h after inoculation compared to other SARS-CoV-2 strains [28]. Similar findings have been reported in studies on Omicron sub-lineages. The differences in antibody production can be attributed to antigenic differences between viral variants [29]. Moreover, it is expected that antibody responses will vary between different groups based on their characteristics and co-morbidities.

4.1 Study strengths and limitations

Identification of factors associated with delayed seroconversion following infection can help in identifying individuals who are likely to show similar seronegativity after vaccination. In our study, clinical symptoms, and laboratory and radiological results were only recorded at the time of the first sample. So, they were studied in relation to the values of first tests for anti-S and anti-NP. A limitation of the study was that further samples were not studied with respect to the clinical condition of the patients. This should be considered in future studies. Association with PCR viral load could be also of value for correlation with antibody levels. Further studies with larger sample sizes are recommended to confirm of the reported risk factors, allowing the regression analysis model to identify predictors of weak and delayed seropositivity.

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