Notes from the Field
Introduction: Though it is well established that genetic information does not produce behavior changes, there are limited data regarding whether genetic counseling can facilitate change in life-style and health behaviors that can result in improved health outcomes. Methods: To explore this issue, we conducted semi-structured interviews with eight patients who had lived experience of psychiatric illness, and who had received psychiatric genetic counseling (PGC). Using interpretive description, we used a constant comparative approach to data analysis. Results: Participants talked about how, prior to PGC, they held misconceptions and/or uncertainties about the causes of and protective behaviors associated with mental illness, which caused feelings of guilt, shame, fear and hopeless. Participants reported that PGC reframed things in a way that provided them a sense of agency over illness management, allowed a greater acceptance of illness, and provided release from some of the negative emotions associated with their initial framing of their illness, which seemed to be related to the self-reported increase in engagement in illness management behaviors and consequent improved mental health outcomes. Conclusion: This exploratory study provides data to support that through addressing emotions associated with perceived cause of illness and facilitating understanding of etiology and risk-reducing strategies, PGC may lead to an increase in behaviors, which protect mental health.
The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel
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