Michelle L. Peterson, PT, DPT, PhD, CCS Virtua Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center, 1600 Haddon Ave, Camden NJ 08103 (USA); Nova Southeastern University, 3200 S. University Dr, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33328 (USA). [email protected].
Bini Litwin, PT, DPT, PhD, MBA Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
George D. Fulk, PT, PhD, FAPTA Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, New York.
The work was performed at Virtua Our Lady of Lourdes Medical Center.
The authors have no conflicts of interest and no source of funding to declare.
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Submitted for Publication: January 31, 2022; accepted for publication July 04, 2022; published online September 07, 2022
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