Diagnostics, Vol. 13, Pages 113: Small Bowel Endoscopic Features of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis

20/M [11]
Abdominal distention20,480
(78.4)NDMucosal hyperemia, edema, and scattered redness throughout the small intestinesThroughoutDuodenal bulb, small intestine, descending colon, and rectumTarget biopsy with enteroscopyPresent 128/F [12]
Abdominal painNormalMucosal circumferential ulceration and partial stenosisSame as SCE findingsIleumIleal stenosisTarget biopsy with DBE>52/HPF45/F [16]
Epigastralgia and dyspepsiaNDSeveral focal areas of mucosal congestion, villous atrophy and pleomorphic denudation, and wide superficial erosions in the duodenum distal to the second portionFocal villous atrophy and pleomorphic denudationProximal jejunumDescribed just as small bowel, no details on specific siteTarget biopsy with BE>50/HPF2/M [17]
Fatigue and anorexiaND
(ND)Jejunal and proximal ileal salmon-colored patchesNDJejunum to proximal ileumJejunumTarget biopsy with SBE72/HPF59/M [18]
Nausea, abdominal pain, dysgeusia, weight loss, and diarrheaND
(ND)Patchy mucosal changes in the proximal jejunumErythema, scalloping, whitish exudate, and patches of
villous blunting with a flat pink appearance were seen
throughout the jejunum until the proximal ileumProximal jejunumDuodenum, jejunum, and proximal ileumTarget and random biopsy with BE>50/HPF48/M [19]
Abdominal pain and fullness6900
(41)Stenosis, dilation, and aperistalsis in the upper jejunum. Edematous mucosa, circumferential round ulcerated lesions and ulcer scars in the ileumEdematous mucosa and stenosis in the ileum. Circumferential ulceration, short, rounded, and edematous villiProximal jejunum and ileumIleumTarget biopsy with DBEMarked 132/M [20]
Diarrhea and lower limb edemaND
(ND)Ulcerated stenosis
Capsule stagnationMultiple ulcerated stenosisProximal jejunumJejunumTarget biopsy with SE30/HPF41/M [21]
Intermittent, colicky abdominal pain and watery diarrheaND
(49.4)Multiple patchy erythematous mucosa lesions with a loss of villi throughout the small bowelSame as SCE findingsThroughoutDescribed just as small bowel, no details on specific siteTarget biopsy with enteroscopyPresent 132/M [22]
Abdominal bloating and weight lossND
(ND)Ulcerated stenosesMultiple ulcerated stenosis and partial villous atrophyIleumDescribed just as small bowel, no details on specific siteTarget biopsy with DBE>50/HPF37/F [23]
Intermittent, colicky abdominal pain, vomiting, and abdominal distention11,600
(31.0)Dark blue coloration of the deeper layers of the terminal ileumNDMid-ileum to the ileocecal valveTerminal ileumTarget biopsy with colonoscopy10–20/HPF66/F [13]
Abdominal pain and watery diarrhea9370
(20.8)NDSlightly edematous and reddish mucosa in the jejunum and ileumThroughoutStomach, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ascending colon, and rectumTarget biopsy with DBEPresent 147/F [14]
Bilateral lower extremity edemaND
(20.7)Multiple rounded patches of raised erythema with centrally flattened villi throughout the small intestineSame as SCE findingsThroughoutDescribed just as small bowel, no details on specific siteTarget biopsy with DBE 2Present 124/F [15]
Abdominal pain, watery diarrhea, and weight loss16,600
(80)NDMildly edematous mucosa in the terminal ileumIleumEsophagus, stomach, duodenum, ileum, and colonRandom step biopsy with endoscopy 3Present 1

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