Figure 1.
Development of the Comprehensive Care Program for patients with addiction comorbi- dity in the Remedis healthcare facility in Prague and Brno in the Czech Republic [
Figure 2.
Remedis treatment outcomes for HCV-infected PWID patients treated with pegylated interferons and ribavirin in the years 2005–2010 (SVR 81.4% orange circle) compared with those in registration studies with pegylated interferons and ribavirin realized in the general population—orange circle on bar graph SVR 56% (left side (pie chart)—data from Remedis, Prague; right side (bar graph)—evolution of chronic viral hepatitis C treatment modalities and increase in the efficacy of viral clearance measured as sustained virological response). SVR—sustained virological response: defined as undetectable HCV RNA 24 weeks after treatment completion, IFN—interferon, RBV—ribavirin, PEG-IFN—pegylated interferon, DAA—direct-acting antivirals (adapted from the US Food and Drug Administration’s Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee Meeting, 27–28 April 2011, Silver Spring, MD, USA) [
Figure 3.
All tested clients in proportion to those who received their test results and were aware of their HCV infection.
Figure 4.
Cascade of care of the Remedis “Ambulance” outreach program. N/A—data not available (genotypes tested with uncertain results); DAA—direct-acting antivirals; SVR—sustained virological response defined as undetectable HCV RNA 12 weeks after treatment completion.
Figure 5.
WHO cascade of care. HCP—healthcare professional, SVR—sustained virological response (adapted from: World Health Organization. Global hepatitis report, 2017. Geneva: World Health Organization [
Table 1.
Basic principles of the Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) for patients with addiction comorbidity [
Table 1.
Basic principles of the Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) for patients with addiction comorbidity [
Basic Principles
Comprehensive Care Program for Patients with Addiction Comorbidity▪
Access to health care and preventive care with no restrictions
Everything is under one roof—easy access to health care
Easy-to-use system for making appointments
Working hours adjusted to the patients’ needs—time available health care
Interconnected services—follow-up care
Individual diagnostic and treatment plan for each patient
Friendly, proactive approach to patients at all levels of contact and care
Dissemination of information by patients themselves (peer to peer)
Using feedback from patients to evaluate and further improve CCP’s services and make them even more available.
Table 2.
Serological results. N/A—not available (patients were not serologically tested due to a small amount of serum sample).
Table 2.
Serological results. N/A—not available (patients were not serologically tested due to a small amount of serum sample).
HAV-IgGHBsAgAnti-HBcAnti-HBsAnti-HCVAnti-HIVn = 168positive096069891330negative16166164947632168N/A7645330Total 168168168168168168168Femalepositive03001733400negative51215033181052N/A1122120Total 52525252525252Malepositive06605256930negative11045114615822116N/A6523210Total 116116116116116116116
Table 3.
PWID clients recruited in the outreach program who successfully started DAA treatment. PIB—pibrentasvir, GLE—glecaprevir, GZR—grazoprevir, EBR—elbasvir, SOF—sofosbuvir, VEL—vepatasvir, SVR—sustained virological response defined as undetectable HCV RNA 12 weeks after treatment completion, N/A—data not available, Ø—average; Office—doctor’s office in the Remedis outpatient clinic; O—other healthcare facility; * treatment realized in another healthcare facility (IKEM Prague); ** HCV reinfection confirmed by PCR.
Table 3.
PWID clients recruited in the outreach program who successfully started DAA treatment. PIB—pibrentasvir, GLE—glecaprevir, GZR—grazoprevir, EBR—elbasvir, SOF—sofosbuvir, VEL—vepatasvir, SVR—sustained virological response defined as undetectable HCV RNA 12 weeks after treatment completion, N/A—data not available, Ø—average; Office—doctor’s office in the Remedis outpatient clinic; O—other healthcare facility; * treatment realized in another healthcare facility (IKEM Prague); ** HCV reinfection confirmed by PCR.
Male/FemaleAge1st Contact
with Remedis1st Contact
in Ambulance
Started (MM/YYYY)Time from
1st Contact till
Treatment (M)Where TreatedTreatment
RegimenSVR Yes/No1F36Ambulance12/20191a5.87/20207PRISONPIB/GLEYES2F33OFFICE10/20191a4.32/20204OFFICEPIB/GLEYES3F51Ambulance2/20201b9.910/20208OFFICEGZR/EBRYES4M45Ambulance10/2019310.19/202011OFFICEPIB/GLEN/A5M59OFFICE7/20191a12.83/202120PRISONPIB/GLEN/A6F37OFFICE8/202038.53/20217OFFICEPIB/GLEYES7M36Ambulance1/202037.12/20201OFFICEPIB/GLENO **8M38PRISON1/20201a7.81/20200OFFICEPIB/GLEN/A9M50OFFICE11/2019301/20200O *N/AN/A **10F26Ambulance2/202036.25/20203OFFICESOF/VELYES11M34Ambulance1/20201a06/20200O *N/AN/A12F39OFFICE7/201937.310/20193OFFICEPIB/GLEYES13M37OFFICE2/20201a11.34/202114OFFICEPIB/GLEYES14M38OFFICE9/2019343.710/20191OFFICESOF/VELYES15F40Ambulance10/20191a/1b76/202120PRISONPIB/GLEYES16F28Ambulance1/20203/1a4.74/20203OFFICEPIB/GLEYES17M35Ambulance3/202138.84/20211OFFICESOF/VELN/A18F41OFFICE11/2019387/20208PRISONPIB/GLEYES19F40OFFICE7/20191a33.510/202015OFFICESOF/VELYES20M37OFFICE11/20191a6.42/20203OFFICEPIB/GLEYES21M43Ambulance10/20191a6.111/20191OFFICEPIB/GLEYES22F37OFFICE7/20191b45/202010PRISONGZR/EBRYES23M43OFFICE10/201936.62/20204OFFICEPIB/GLEYES24M38OFFICE10/20201b5.112/20202OFFICEPIB/GLEYES Ø 39.2 Ø 9.4 Ø 6.08
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