Phase separation in polymer-based biomimetic structures containing planar membranes

Phase separation is a phenomenon underlying the complexity of the biological membrane, where both lipids and membrane-associated proteins can rearrange to form spatially separated compartments of distinct functions on all relevant size scales, ranging from molecular lengths to the dimensions of the cell itself.1,21. J. A. Ditlev, J. Mol. Cell Biol. 13, 319 (2021). F. A. Heberle, J. Wu, S. L. Goh, R. S. Petruzielo, and G. W. Feigenson, Biophys. J. 99, 3309 (2010). This complex behavior arises, in part, from the large number of diverse kinds of lipids and proteins, different ways in which these membrane components interact with each other and with the rest of the cell, and the dynamic processes that locally and dramatically change significant fractions of the membrane.33. F. A. Heberle and G. W. Feigenson, Cold Spring Harb. Perspect. Biol. 3, a004630 (2011). 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Polymers are compounds of choice for the fabrication of biomimetic textured surfaces due to their varied chemical and mechanical properties. Additionally, by careful choice of the hydrophilic (A) and hydrophobic (B) blocks in a diblock copolymer, as well as by adjusting their length and biocompatibility to form biomimetic structures, it was possible to obtain a physicochemical resemblance of the lipid molecule using block copolymers.13,1413. W. Meier, C. Nardin, and M. Winterhalter, U.S. patent 6,723,814B2 (20 April 2004).14. M. Stolzenburg, C. Elbek, S. Mentzel, and K. H. Nielsen, DK patent 178227B1 (7 September 2015). Initial attempts to incorporate them into membranes involved the titration of DBCs into solutions of lipids or their mixtures, using the protocols previously employed for the assembly of lipid structures, leading to hybrid assemblies containing a low content of DBCs.1515. J. Kowal, D. Wu, V. Mikhalevich, C. G. Palivan, and W. Meier, Langmuir 31, 4868 (2015). The gradual adjustment of these protocols led to hybrid biomimetic membranes based on block copolymers and diverse biomolecules,1616. A. Krywko-Cendrowska, S. di Leone, M. Bina, S. Yorulmaz-Avsar, C. G. Palivan, and W. Meier, Polymers 12, 1003 (2020). such as lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, and small molecules, e.g., metabolites or natural products. While phase separation in biomimetic hybrid membranes containing lipid mixtures with block copolymers has been well known for over two decades, reports on phase separation in fully synthetic planar membranes are scarce. In a recent report, the recreation of a lipid bilayer and the reconstitution of the natural phase separation has been achieved using a mixture of two different DBCs, PDMS-b-PMOXA, and PEO-b-PEHOx.1717. M. Bina et al., Nano Lett. 22(13), 5077-5085 (2022). The concept of the research was based on the analogy to lipid bilayers based on lipid mixtures, but using only synthetic amphiphilic molecules. In this article, we review recent developments in the formation of biomimetic membranes based on block copolymers, leading to phase separation. We attempt to define the membrane and its phase separation and the parameters and conditions decisive for its reconstitution into a membrane, such as chemical compatibility, hydrophobic mismatch, chemical composition, presence of lipid molecules, polymer crystallinity, and copolymer architecture. Next, we briefly list the methods to obtain such inhomogeneous membranes, and we further exemplify the occurrence of phase separation in planar membranes, in particular, obtained on a solid support and quasiplanar membranes contained in giant unilamellar vesicles (GUVs), as model structures for free-standing planar biomimetic membranes (Fig. 1). GUVs are self-assembled, three-dimensional structures commonly used as basic cell and cell membrane models, sized between 1 and 100 μm.1818. T. Bhatia, P. Husen, J. Brewer, L. A. Bagatolli, P. L. Hansen, J. H. 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