A Moment of Reflection As We Move Forward



patient-centered, care models, health research, access to care, medical education, public health, editorial


The newly appointed editor-in-chief of the Journal of Patient-Centered Research and Reviews reflects on the original editorial mission of the journal and its continuing commitment to publish patient-centered scholarly works that exhibit respect for each patient’s values and preferences; coordinated and integrated care; patient and family education; alleviation of pain, fear, and anxiety; continuity through care-site transitions; and access to care. The reasoning behind the pursuit of well-developed patient-centered care models, through the dissemination of peer-reviewed research findings and patient perspectives, has only been reinforced since the journal’s launch in 2014.

Recommended Citation

Morgenstern B. A moment of reflection as we move forward. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2022;9:251-2. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.2011



September 1st, 2022

October 11th, 2022




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