A Clear, Succinct Research Question Portends the Rest of the Story



research writing, question, study design, hypothesis, framework, storyline


The goal of any research manuscript is to convey the story of a systematic answer to an important question in the field. A clear, succinct research or study question is what provides the storyline that connects all the sections of a manuscript. One of the most common strategies to developing a meaningful research question is the FINER approach, which encompasses five standards to determine the quality of a question: feasible, interesting, novel, ethical, and relevant. Using the FINER approach can provide the guidepost for all design and reporting decisions. This editorial recommends creating a study protocol aimed at answering your FINER research question before proceeding with any study.

Recommended Citation

Kram JJ, Sullivan Vedder L, Fay B, Simpson D. A clear, succinct research question portends the rest of the story. J Patient Cent Res Rev. 2023;10:198-200. doi: 10.17294/2330-0698.2066



June 27th, 2023

November 16th, 2023




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