In this prospective real-life cohort study that included mostly severely immunocompromised patients, administration of Sotrovimab in BA.2-infected patients was associated with a similarly low rate of COVID-19-related hospitalization, and decline of the nasopharyngeal viral load, as in BA.1-infected patients.
Although our work is limited by the relatively small number of BA.2-infected patients, Sotrovimab was associated with a low incidence of COVID-19 related hospitalization or death among very high-risk patients with mild-to-moderate COVID-19 related to the BA.2 sublineage, and with no emergence of mutations.
AcknowledgmentsCOCOPREV Study Group collaborators: We thank Pr Yazdan Yazdanpanah and all the ANRS-MIE team for their invaluable support and help.
This study would have not been possible without the teams involved in the COCOPREV Study and designated as the COCOPREV Study Group: Magali Garcia, Valentin Giraud, Agathe Metais, France Cazenave-Roblot, Jean-Philippe Martellosio (CHU de Poitiers) ; Anne-Marie Ronchetti, Thomas Gabas, Naima Hadjadj, Célia Salanoubat, Amélie Chabrol, Pierre Housset, Agathe Pardon, Anne-Laure Faucon, Valérie Caudwell, Latifa Hanafi (CHU Sud Francilien, Corbeil-Essonne) ; Laurent Alric, Grégory Pugnet, Morgane Mourguet, Eva Bories, Delphine Bonnet, Sandrine Charpentier, Pierre Delobel, Alexa Debard, Colleen Beck, Xavier Boumaza, Stella Rousset, Aurore Perrot (CHU de Toulouse) ; Fanny Lanternier, Claire Delage, Elisabete Gomes Pires, Morgane Cheminant, Nathalie Chavarot (Hôpital Necker, Paris) ; Anthony Chauvin, Xavier Eyer ; Véronique Delcey (Hôpital Lariboisière, Paris) ; Simon Bessis, Romain Gueneau (Hôpital du Kremlin Bicêtre) ; Pelagie Thibaut, Marine Nadal, Martin Siguier, Marwa Bachir, Christia Palacios (Hôpital Tenon, Paris) ; Valérie Pourcher, Cléa Melenotte, Antoine Faycal, Vincent Berot, Cécile Brin, Siham Djebara, Karen Zafilaza, Stéphane Marot, Sophie Sayon, Valentin Leducq, Isabelle Malet, Elisa Teyssou, Adélie Gothland (Hôpital de la Pitié Salpétrière, Paris) ; Karine Lacombe, Yasmine Abi Aad, Thibault Chiarabini, Raynald Feliho, Nadia Valin, Fabien Brigant, Julien Boize, Pierre-Clément Thiébaud, Marie Moreau, Charlotte Billard (Hôpital St Antoine, Paris), Nathalie De Castro, Geoffroy Liégeon, Blandine Denis, Jean-Michel Molina, Lucia Etheve (Hôpital Saint Louis, Paris) ; André Cabié, Sylvie Abel, Ornella Cabras, Karine Guitteaud, Sandrine Pierre-François (CHU de Martinique) ; Vincent Dubee, Diama Ndiaye, Jonathan Pehlivan, Michael Phelippeau, Rafael Mahieu (CHU d'Angers) ; Alexandre Duvignaud, Thierry Piston, Arnaud Desclaux, Didier Neau, Charles Cazanave (CHU de Bordeaux) ; Jean-François Faucher, Benjamin Festou, Magali Dupuy-Grasset, Véronique Loustaud-Ratti, Delphine Chainier (CHU de Limoges) ; Nathan Peiffer-Smadja, Christophe Choquet, Olivia Da Conceicao, Michael Thy, Lio Collas, Cindy Godard, Donia Bouzid, Vittiaroat Ing, Laurent Pereira, Thomas Pavlowsky, Camille Ravaut (Hôpital Bichat, Paris) ; Antoine Asquier-Khati, David Boutoille, Marie Chauveau, Colin Deschanvres, François Raffi (CHU de Nantes) ; Audrey Le Bot, Marine Cailleaux, François Benezit, Anne Maillard, Benoit Hue, Pierre Tattevin (CHU de Rennes) ; François Coustilleres, Claudia Carvalho-Schneider, Simon Jamard, Laetitia Petit, Karl Stefic (CHU de Tours) ; Natacha Mrozek, Clement Theis, Magali Vidal, Leo Sauvat, Delphine Martineau (CHU de Clermond-Ferrand) ; Benjamin Lefèvre, Guillaume Baronnet, Agnès Didier (CHRU de Nancy) ; Florence Ader, Thomas Perpoint, Anne Conrad, Paul Chabert, Pierre Chauvelot (CHU de Lyon) ; Aurélie Martin, Paul Loubet, Julien Mazet, Romaric Larcher, Didier Laureillard (CHU de Nîmes) ; Mathilde Devaux (Hôpital de Poissy) ; Jérôme Frey, Amos Woerlen, Aline Remillon, Laure Absensur-Vuillaume, Pauline Bouquet (CHU de Metz) ; Albert Trinh-Duc, Patrick Rispal (Hôpital d'Agen) ; Philippe Petua, Julien Carillo (Hôpital de Tarbes) ; Aurore Perrot, Karen Delavigne, Pierre Cougoul, Jérémie Dion, Odile Rauzy (Oncopole, Toulouse), Mathieu Blot, Thibault Sixt, Florian Moretto, Carole Charles, Lionel Piroth (CHU de Dijon) ; Sophie Circosta, Lydia Leger, Arulvani Arulananthan, Carine Lascoux, Pascaline Valérie, Léia Becam (Team Biobanque ANRS-INSERM US19,Villejuif) ; Yazdan Yazdanpanah, Ventzislava Petrov-Sanchez, Alpha Diallo, Soizic Le Mestre, Guillaume Le Meut (ANRS-MIE) ; Isabelle Goderel, Frédéric Chau, Brahim Soltana, Jessica Chane Tang (IPLESP), Jeremie Guedj (Université de Paris, IAME, INSERM, Paris), Yvanie Caille (Renaloo)
ContributionsGM (guarantor) was involved in the study conception, data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and drafting the manuscript. AGM was involved in the study conception, data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and drafting the manuscript. CS was involved in the study conception, data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and drafting the manuscript. SK was involved in data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and drafting the manuscript. CLN was involved in data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and drafting the manuscript. CD was involved in the study conception, data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and revising the manuscript. LN was involved in the study conception, data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and revising the manuscript. AB was involved in the study conception, data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and revising the manuscript. CM was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. AC was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. CC was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. FC was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. JPM was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. GG was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. ATD was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. AMR was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. VPM was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. FR was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. KL was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. NPS was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. PH was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. AP was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. GP was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. AM was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. VD was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. MD was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. JF was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. CC was involved in patients inclusion and revising the manuscript. RL was involved in the study conception, interpretation of results and revising the manuscript. FC was involved in the study conception, data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and drafting the manuscript. YY. (guarantor) was involved in the study conception, data extraction, data analysis, interpretation of results and drafting the manuscript.
FundingThe ANRS0003S COCOPREV cohort is conducted with the support of ANRS│MIE and funded by French ministries: Ministère des Solidarités et de la Santé and Ministère de l'Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l'Innovation»
Ethical approvalThis study received the ethical approval of the Comité de Protection des Personnes SUD-EST IV.
Transparency declarationGM and YY (the manuscript's guarantors) affirm that the manuscript is an honest, accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no important aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned have been explained.
Data sharingData available upon request for academic researchers
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