Keywords: Contraceptives, Adolescents, Knowledge, Challenges, Utilization
AbstractReproductive health issues are central to the Sustainable Development Goal 3. Globally, governments are
committed to the reduction of adolescent birth rate, in which access to modern contraceptives is pivotal.
This study examined the Knowledge, Utilization and Challenges of Contraceptives among Adolescents in
Tamale Metropolis. The study adopted a cross-sectional study approach, in which 400 participants were
selected through simple random sampling. Semi-structured questionnaire and focus group discussion guides
were the main tools used to gather data on the knowledge of contraceptive types as well as the challenges
and utilization of contraceptives. Six focus groups were conducted with six participants in each of the
groups. In this study, only 258(67%) of the participants knew of at least one method of family planning. The
study further revealed that knowledge level of participants on the side effects of contraceptives was low.
Myths surrounding contraceptives use and practice was very common among the study subjects. The most
frequent challenges faced by the participants in their quest to access contraceptives were inadequate
education on contraceptives, and some traditional and religious beliefs, representing 49.7% and 34.7%,
respectively. Respondents aged 16-19 years were more associated with the use of oral contraceptive pills,
injectable, implant, intrauterine contraceptive, withdrawal, and condom thus, 144(83.2), 156(91.2), 118(95.1),
23(100.0), 61(100.0), and 243 (81.3), respectively. In this study, the main source of information among the
respondents was the internet (96.3%). Stigmatization, the feeling of shyness and some traditional beliefs are
major challenges to the utilization of contraceptives among the study participants. Therefore, health
authorities in the region ought to intensify their reproductive health education strategies to minimize
stigmatization among adolescents.
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