Magneto-optics was established almost two centuries ago by M. Faraday who discovered the influence of magnetic field on light polarization [1]. In those times it played a crucial role in development of electrodynamics as gave J. C. Maxwell a hint that light has an electromagnetic character. Later on, in the middle of the 20th century magneto-optics was significantly expanded and elaborated with the help of new experimental equipment including lasers. It provided an exclusive insight into physics of magnetically ordered materials in their bulk and interfaces interfaces using various linear and nonlinear magneto-optical phenomena [2–3]. Apart from that, crucial magneto-optical applications appeared suitable for spectral ranges from microwave to ultraviolet frequencies: optical isolators, circulators, filters, phase shifters, bio-chemo sensors etc [4–6]. New magneto-optical materials were synthesized including the most popular ones, iron garnets [7].
The 21th century brought new technologies to fabricate subwavelength elements even for visible light which brought magneto-optics to a third stage of progress: magnetic materials were incorporated in and conjugated with different types of nanostructures including photonic crystals [8,9], plasmonic structures [10–12], metal and dielectric metasurfaces [13–17] etc. It gave birth to a new direction of modern optics – magnetophotonics [18]. The main advantage was to significantly increase the magneto-optical interaction by orders of magnitudes [19], which has paved new ways for further progress and for new valuable applications. That’s why, currently, magneto-optics and magnetophotonics are of prime research interest.
This feature issue is intended to offer a glimpse of the evolving field that consolidates nanophotonics enhancement of magneto-optical effects, their urgent applications, and developments towards spin dynamics and ultrafast magnetism. Here we present a slim collection of 13 research articles that deal with representative branches of the field.
Though plasmonics has been proved to increase the magneto-optical effects, currently, there are still new and bright ideas for further progress in this direction. Thus, Tamm plasmons excited in a magnetophotonic crystal covered by a gold-silica edge make the Faraday effect larger [20]. Magnetic nanocomposites also provide nice results in this respect: a plasmonic nanocomposite based on gold nanoparticles in iron-garnet surroundings allows to increase the Faraday effect by more than 20 times [21], a presence of a complex of nanometer-sized magnetic granules in a high index dielectric insulator matrix also leads to a relatively large Faraday effect [22], while a nanocomposite of magnetic nanoparticles embedded in a silica matrix covered by a 1D grating produces much higher Q-factor resonances, which finally result in giant magneto-optical intensity effects [23].
Furthermore, the combination of time-reversal symmetry breaking, which is inherent to the magneto-optical media, and artificially established violation of space inversion symmetry has been found to provide new magneto-optical effects. Metamaterials with double ring resonators might be useful for magnetically switchable non-reciprocal devices and even one-way micro-ring lasers [24]. On the other hand, non-symmetric nanostructures with comb-like plasmonic gratings make the transverse Kerr effect non-vanishing even at normal incidence [25].
A new direction is addressed in [26], where plasmon-phonon interaction is demonstrated to modify magnetic refractive effects, whose spectra acquire additional features.
A novel magneto-optical effect, the nonreciprocal beam splitting, is described and experimentally demonstrated in [27]. It might be valuable for nonreciprocal photonic devices that operate in classical and even quantum regimes such as beam steerers, isolators, and routers.
Bringing magnetophotonics to the areas of magnonics and ultrafast magnetism leads to advanced control of the photomagnetic effects in iron garnets covered by a gold grating [28]. On the other hand, magneto-optics opens its new sides when a well-known Brillouin light scattering on magnetostatic spin waves takes place: the Goos-Hänchen shift appears [29].
The special issue also includes a few papers describing some advances in applied magneto-optics. Thus, Ref. [30] describes a magneto-optical modulation of Nd laser with a terbium scandium aluminum garnet crystal”. Additionally, recent advances in integrated magneto-optical isolators based on rare-earth iron garnets are reviewed in [31]. They are characterized by polarization diversity and ability to operate without external magnetic field which is quite useful for silicon photonics. An interesting approach was used in [32], where authors elaborated magnetically-sensitive fluorescent nanodiamond fiber probes for a modern endoscopy.
This feature issue is by no means an exhaustive display of all the exciting topics of the modern magnetooptics. Nevertheless, it should reveal some of the ongoing trends and perspectives. We hope you enjoy this special issue. We are grateful to all the authors, reviewers and Optica staff members for their contributions and efforts to make this issue possible.
1. M. Faraday, Diary, Vol. 4, 13 September 1845, 7504 (1845).
2. W. K. Hiebert, A. Stankiewicz, and M. R. Freeman, “Direct observation of magnetic relaxation in a small permalloy disk by time-resolved scanning Kerr microscopy,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 79(6), 1134–1137 (1997). [CrossRef]
3. M. Fiebig, V. V. Pavlov, and R. V. Pisarev, “Second-harmonic generation as a tool for studying electronic and magnetic structures of crystals: review,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 22(1), 96–118 (2005). [CrossRef]
4. C. Rizal, M. G. Manera, D. O. Ignatyeva, et al., “Magnetophotonics for sensing and magnetometry toward industrial applications,” J. Appl. Phys. 130(23), 230901 (2021). [CrossRef]
5. N. Maccaferri, K. E. Gregorczyk, T. V. A. G. de Oliveira, et al., “Ultrasensitive and label-free molecular-level detection enabled by light phase control in magnetoplasmonic nanoantennas,” Nat. Commun. 6(1), 6150 (2015). [CrossRef]
6. W. Yan, Y. Yang, W. Yang, et al., “On-chip nonreciprocal photonic devices based on hybrid integration of magneto-optical garnet thin films on silicon,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron. 28, 6100515 (2021) [CrossRef] .
7. A. Zvezdin and V. Kotov, Modern Magneto-optics and Magneto-optical Materials (IOP Publ., 1997), 386.
8. N. Maccaferri, X. Inchausti, A. García-Martín, et al., “Resonant enhancement of magneto-optical activity induced by surface plasmon polariton modes coupling in 2D magnetoplasmonic crystals,” ACS Photonics 2(12), 1769–1779 (2015). [CrossRef]
9. I. L. Lyubchanskii, N. N. Dadoenkova, M. I. Lyubchanskii, E. A. Shapovalov, and T. Rasing, “Magnetic photonic crystals,” J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 36(18), R277–R287 (2003). [CrossRef]
10. V.I. Belotelov, L.L. Doskolovich, and A.K. Zvezdin, “Extraordinary magnetooptical effects and transmission through the metal-dielectric plasmonic systems,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 98(7), 077401 (2007). [CrossRef]
11. Joel Kuttruff, Alessio Gabbani, Gaia Petrucci, et al., “Magneto-optical activity in nonmagnetic hyperbolic nanoparticles,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 127(21), 217402 (2021). [CrossRef]
12. V.I. Belotelov, I.A. Akimov, M. Pohl, et al., “Enhanced magneto-optical effects in magnetoplasmonic crystals,” Nat. Nanotechnol. 6(6), 370–376 (2011). [CrossRef]
13. W. Yang, Q. Liu, H. Wang, et al., “Observation of optical gyromagnetic properties in a magneto-plasmonic metamaterial,” Nat. Commun. 13(1), 1719 (2022). [CrossRef]
14. S. Xia, D. O. Ignatyeva, Q. Liu, et al., “Enhancement of the Faraday effect and magneto-optical figure of merit in all-dielectric metasurfaces,” ACS Photon. (2022).
15. N. Maccaferri, L. Bergamini, M. Pancaldi, et al., “Anisotropic Nanoantenna-based magnetoplasmonic crystals for highly enhanced and tunable magneto-optical activity,” Nano Lett. 16(4), 2533–2542 (2016). [CrossRef]
16. A. Christofi, Y. Kawaguchi, A. Alù, and A. B. Khanikaev, “Giant enhancement of Faraday rotation due to electromagnetically induced transparency in all-dielectric magneto-optical metasurfaces,” Opt. Lett. 43(8), 1838–1841 (2018). [CrossRef]
17. M. G. Barsukova, A. S. Shorokhov, A. I. Musorin, et al., “Magneto-optical response enhanced by Mie resonances in nanoantennas,” ACS Photonics 4(10), 2390–2395 (2017). [CrossRef]
18. N. Maccaferri, I. Zubritskaya, I. Razdolski, et al., “Nanoscale magnetophotonics,” J. Appl. Phys. 127(8), 080903 (2020). [CrossRef]
19. A. López-Ortega, M. Zapata-Herrera, N. Maccaferri, et al., “Enhanced magnetic modulation of light polarization exploiting hybridization with multipolar dark plasmons in magnetoplasmonic nanocavities,” Light: Sci. Appl. 9(1), 49 (2020). [CrossRef]
20. T. Mikhailova, S. Tomilin, S. Lyashko, et al., “Tamm plasmon-polaritons and Fabry-Perot excitation in a magnetophotonic structure,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 685–696 (2022). [CrossRef]
21. S. V. Tomilin, A. V. Karavaynikov, S. D. Lyashko, et al., “Giant enhancement of the Faraday effect in a magnetoplasmonic nanocomposite,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(4), 1522–1530 (2022). [CrossRef]
22. K. Ikeda, N. Kobayashi, and K.-i. Arai, “Large Faraday effect in nanogranular films with a high refractive index matrix,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 403–413 (2022). [CrossRef]
23. L. Bsawmaii, E. Gamet, S. Neveu, D. Jamon, and F. Royer, “Magnetic nanocomposite films with photo-patterned 1D grating on top enable giant magneto-optical intensity effects,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 513–523 (2022). [CrossRef]
24. Y. Kawaguchi, A. Alu, and A. B. Khanikaev, “Non-reciprocal parity-time symmetry breaking based on magneto-optical and gain/loss double ring resonators,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(4), 1453–1460 (2022). [CrossRef]
25. O. V. Borovkova, M. A. Kozhaev, H. Hashim, et al., “Transverse magneto-photonic transmission effect in non-symmetric nanostructures with comb-like plasmonic gratings,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 573–583 (2022). [CrossRef]
26. G. Armelles, A. Cebollada, and R. Alvaro, “Plasmon-phonon interaction effects on the magneto refractive response of spintronic-plasmonic/dielectric structures,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(3), 1092–1101 (2022). [CrossRef]
27. S. Nelson, D. O. Guney, and M. Levy, “Nonreciprocal magneto-optic beam splitting,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(3), 885–894 (2022). [CrossRef]
28. T. Kaihara, I. Razdolski, and A. Stupakiewicz, “Numerical simulations of the surface plasmon-assisted photo-magnetic effect in metal-dielectric nanostructures,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 788–797 (2022). [CrossRef]
29. Y. S. Dadoenkova, M. Krawczyk, and I. L. Lyubchanskii, “Goos-Hänchen shift at Brillouin light scattering by a magnetostatic wave in the Damon-Eshbach configuration,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 717–726 (2022). [CrossRef]
30. L. Song, Z. Dong, H. Lin, et al., “Pulse Nd:YAG/Cr:YAG laser modulated by a TSAG magneto-optic crystal,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(1), 317–326 (2022). [CrossRef]
31. K. Srinivasan and B. J. H. Stadler, “Review of integrated magneto-optical isolators with rare-earth iron garnets for polarization diverse and magnet-free isolation in silicon photonics,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 697–716 (2022). [CrossRef]
32. P. Czarnecka, M. Jani, S. Sengottuvel, et al., “Magnetically-sensitive nanodiamond thin-films on glass fibers,” Opt. Mater. Express 12(2), 444–457 (2022). [CrossRef]
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