Management of supragastric belching

Increased SGB is currently more often recognized not only in patients with belching as a main symptom, but also in patients with reflux like symptoms that are refractory to PPI treatment or patients with reflux hypersensitivity. Detection of increased SGB during analysis of impedance-pHmetry can help to better understand the pathophysiology of symptoms in individual patients and to provide more focused and specific treatment. At the moment, the most efficient treatments for increased SGB are CBT and Speech therapies, pharmacological treatment being less effective and prone to mild secondary effects.

In this issue of Neurogastroenterology and Motility, Punkinnen et al demonstrate, in controlled clinical trial, that behavioral therapy was superior to follow-up without intervention in patients with SGB. We present a critical review of the different treatment modalities currently available for patients with pathological SGB.

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