A Novel Approach to Operating Room Readiness for Airborne Precautions Using Simulation‐Based Clinical Systems Testing


The emergence of the COVID-19 disease as a global pandemic caused major challenges and strained busy operating room environments. This required institutions to rethink current system functioning and urgently develop safe medical practices and protocols.


To use a novel approach combining simulation-based clinical system testing with rapid cycle deliberate practice concepts for identifying latent safety threats presented by newly developed operating room COVID-19 protocols and collecting frontline staff recommendations for mitigation.


This study design combined a training/education approach with probing the systems function. The primary outcomes were the number of latent safety threats and staff evaluations of this approach for feasibility and utility on immediate and four-month post surveys. Participants started the simulation which took place in the operating room, in the assistant role before graduating to the primary airway manager. Simulation staff members observed the simulations and noted whether elements in the protocols/checklists were followed and whether latent safety threats were present using an observation form. Solutions to latent safety threats were sought during the debriefing period.


This approach identified 17 latent safety threats not foreseen during the planning stages and allowed for corrections to the protocols prior to impacting patient outcomes. Post-simulation surveys indicated that the program was well received and all who responded agreed that it was worth the time it took. Fifty-seven percent of respondents to four-month follow up survey reported using the work products to care for an actual COVID-19 patient.


This study demonstrated a flexible methodology that effectively integrated simulation-based training and systems tests to train staff and detect latent safety threats in the new workflows and provide recommendations for mitigation. While COVID was the specific prompt, this approach can be applicable in diverse clinical settings for training medical staff, testing system function and mitigating potential latent safety threats.

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