Department of Plastic Surgery - Royal Preston Hospital, Preston, UK ,
Abstract: (1113 Views)
Extralevator Abdominoperineal Excision (ELAPE) and Abdominoperineal Resection create complex perineal defects made more challenging when combined with additional resection of the posterior vaginal wall. This composite defect requires the restoration of a functional vagina, in addi-tion to the obliteration of the large perineal dead space, a need to reduce donor site, and perineal wound morbidity. Previously described fasciocu-taneous and myocutaneous flaps for such defects are associated with long operations requiring intra-operative mobilization and are linked to post-operative complications including herniation, evisceration, flap loss, donor site morbidity and poor cosmetic outcome, amongst other issues. Herein we describe the case of a 60-year-old female patient that underwent com-bined ELAPE and posterior vaginectomy for anal squamous cell carcino-ma. This complex defect was reconstructed using an extended version of the Perineal Turn-Over (PTO) flap based on the Internal Pudendal artery perforator.
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