Incidence of acute respiratory tract infections (2006–2015) and influenza (2006–2013) among French armed forces

ElsevierVolume 50, Issue 8, November 2020, Pages 689-695Médecine et Maladies InfectieusesHighlights•

The present epidemiological, descriptive, and retrospective study confirms the predominant role of acute febrile respiratory tract infections (AFRTIs), including influenza, among infectious episodes observed in members of the French armed forces. AFRTIs are therefore subjected to epidemiological surveillance in this population. The study was performed over 10 years (longer period than those of previously published studies) and confirms the constant occurrence of these infections over the years among this population. With a mean annual incidence rate of 8.7 person-years but with poor severity, AFRTIs are the second leading infectious episodes observed in members of the French armed forces in metropolitan France, overseas territories, and external operations, following diarrhea but ahead of vector-borne diseases.

Current prevention measures did not lead to significantly reducing the incidence threshold of such infections. We suggested rooms for improvement for the short- and mid-term prevention of these infections to maximize the decrease in the incidence of AFRTIs among members of the French armed forces.


We aimed to assess the incidence of respiratory tract infections in military settings between 2006 and 2015.

Patients and methods

We performed a retrospective epidemiological study of the entire military population from 2006 to 2015. Comprehensive data was collected from all medical centers, operational medical units, naval services, and army training hospitals and provided by the epidemiological surveillance of the armies.


The annual average population of the study was 331,394 soldiers. For acute respiratory tract infections (2006–2015), 22,818 cases were reported in metropolitan France, 3,211 cases in French overseas territories, 1,595 cases in the French Navy, and 1,318 cases in external military operations for a total of 28,942 cases. For influenza (2006–2013), 934 cases were reported in metropolitan France, 101 cases in French overseas territories, and 23 cases in external operations, for a total of 1,058 cases. The mean incidence rate of acute respiratory tract infections expressed as case number per 1,000 person-years (PY) was 8.7 PY (95% CI [8.6–8.8]) with an exceptional increased incidence rate in 2009 (25.9 PY, 95% CI [25.4–26.4]). The mean incidence rate of influenza was 0.35 PY (95% CI [0.33–0.37]) with a peak incidence rate of 1.9 PY in 2009.


Acute respiratory tract infections are at the forefront of infectious episodes in the French armies. Although not necessarily severe, current prevention measures are not enough to reduce the incidence threshold of these infections and need to be improved.


Respiratory tract infections





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