Blood progenitor redox homeostasis through olfaction-derived systemic GABA in hematopoietic growth control in Drosophila

Fig. 4.

GABA catabolism via PDK activity regulates the TCA cycle in blood progenitor cells and coordinates overall lymph gland growth. (A-F) Representative lymph gland images showing PDH and PDK levels. (A,D) Controls (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP/+) showing (A) PDH and (D) PDK levels. (B,E) GatRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-GatRNAi) and (C,F) SsadhRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-SsadhRNAi) in progenitor cells does not reduce (B,C) PDH and (E,F) PDK levels when compared with A and D, respectively. For quantification, refer to Fig. S5A,B. (G-I) Representative lymph gland images showing pPDH on RF. (G) Control (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP/+). (H) GatRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-GatRNAi) and (I) SsadhRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-SsadhRNAi) lead to a reduction in pPDH levels when compared with G (control). (J-L) Representative lymph gland images showing pPDK on RF. (J) Control (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP/+). (K) GatRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-GatRNAi) and (L) SsadhRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-SsadhRNAi) lead to a reduction in pPDK levels when compared with J (control). (M-P) Representative lymph gland images showing ROS levels. (M) Control (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP/+). (N) GatRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-GatRNAi) leads to an elevation in ROS levels. (O) PdhaRNAi;GatRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-PdhaRNAi;UAS-GatRNAi) and (P) SdhARNAi;GatRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-SdhARNAi;UAS-GatRNAi) rescue the increased ROS phenotype of N (GatRNAi). (Q-T) Succinate supplementation (SF) in (Q,R) GatRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-GatRNAi) and (S,T) SsadhRNAi (domeMeso-Gal4,UAS-GFP;UAS-SsadhRNAi) rescues (Q,S) pPDH and (R,T) pPDK levels of (H,K) GatRNAi and (I,L) SsadhRNAi on RF. (U) Quantification of G-I,Q,S. Relative fold change in lymph gland MZ pPDH levels in domeMeso>GFP/+ (RF, control, N=5, n=51), domeMeso>GFP/GatRNAi (RF, N=5, n=32, P<0.0001), domeMeso>GFP/GatRNAi (SF, N=3, n=24, P<0.0001), domeMeso>GFP/SsadhRNAi (RF, N=5, n=47, P<0.0001), domeMeso>GFP/SsadhRNAi (SF, N=3, n=23, P=0.0007) and w1118 (SF, N=3, n=38, P<0.0001, pPDH compared with w1118, N=3, RF, n=47). (V) Quantification of J-L,R,T. Relative fold change in lymph gland MZ pPDK levels in domeMeso>GFP/+ (RF, control, N=5, n=75), domeMeso>GFP/GatRNAi (RF, N=5, n=38, P=0.0004), domeMeso>GFP/GatRNAi (SF, N=3, n=20, P=0.0006), domeMeso>GFP/SsadhRNAi (RF, N=4, n=35, P=0.0058), domeMeso>GFP/SsadhRNAi (SF, N=3, n=20, P=0.0021) and w1118 (SF, n=30, P=0.0071, pPDK compared with w1118, RF, N=3, n=30). (W) Quantification of M-P. Relative fold change in lymph gland ROS (DHE) levels in domeMeso>GFP/+(control, N=4, n=38), domeMeso>GFP/GatRNAi (N=3, n=22, P<0.0001), domeMeso>GFP/PdhaRNAi;GatRNAi (N=3, n=19, P<0.0001) and domeMeso>GFP/SdhARNAi;GatRNAi (N=4, n=26, P<0.0001). (X) Quantifications of lymph gland size in domeMeso>GFP/+ (control, N=5, n=44), domeMeso>GFP/GatRNAi (N=4, n=36, P<0.0001), domeMeso>GFP/PdhaRNAi;GatRNAi (N=5, n=50, P<0.0001), and domeMeso>GFP/SdhARNAi;GatRNAi (N=5, n=41, P<0.0001). RF, regular food; SF is succinate-supplemented food. The horizontal line indicates the median; whiskers indicate the minimum and maximum values; box indicates the lower and upper quartiles (**P<0.01, ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001; n.s., not significant; two-way ANOVA, Tukey's multiple comparisons test). f.c., fold change. Scale bars: 20 µm. n, lymph gland lobes; N, number of experimental repeats (green dot). MZ, medullary zone. DAPI marks DNA. Comparisons for significance are with control values unless marked by horizontal lines for other respective comparisons; red bars represent rescue combinations. Lymph gland lobes are outlined with a white border and, for clarity, the background containing other tissues, such as ring gland, brain, dorsal vessel, etc., has been removed.

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