Title:Microwave-assisted C-C, C-O, C-N, C-S Bond Formation and Multicomponent Reactions using Magnetic Retrievable Nanocatalysts
Author(s):Manavi Yadav, Mahima Dutta, Pema Tanwar, Reena Jain, Anju Srivastava* and Rakesh K. Sharma*
Affiliation:Department of Chemistry, Green Chemistry Network Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, Department of Chemistry, Hindu College, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, Department of Chemistry, Green Chemistry Network Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi 110007, India
Keywords:Microwave-assisted, C-C, C-S, C-N, C-O, multicomponent reactions, magnetic nanoctalysts, green and sustainable chemistry, heterogeneous catalysts
Abstract:Microwave-assisted organic synthesis has been perceived as one of the most powerful and sustainable tools to accomplish expeditious organic synthesis through a greener way on account of its specific features, including targeted heating, reaction homogeneity, rapidity, possible modifications of activation parameters, improved selectivity, yield and purity, along with simpler work-up. Another rapidly growing field for the development of the green and sustainable protocol is the application of magnetic nanocatalysts. They not only meet the need for facile recovery from the reaction media after completion of a reaction but also provide the best attributes of nanotechnology along with the elimination of auxiliary substances and catalyst loss, thereby making the overall process clean, fast and cost-effective. Thus, the amalgamation of magnetic nanocatalysts and microwave irradiation presents an ideal blend for the development of sustainable methods in synthetic organic chemistry. Amidst various bond forming reactions, carbon-carbon (C-C) and carbon- heteroatom (C-X, where X= O, N, S) bond formations are essentially used to devise privileged molecular scaffolds for synthetic organic and medicinal chemistry. This review gives a succinct overview of the synthesis and application of various modified magnetic nanocomposites as taskspecific catalysts for microwave assisted C-C and C-X bond formation reactions in recent years.
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