Holding an Instagram Contest by TUMS

Public Relations of TUMS is holding a photo contest titled "My University" on Instagram. The contest will start on April 20th, 2021, and will continue until May 9th, 2021.

This contest, which will be held on the occasion of Public Relations Day, includes the following features, terms and conditions:

Photographs of the university ceremonies such as the Avicenna Festival, student marriage, graduation, white robe ceremonies, etc. Photographs taken with the university professors and authorities, Photographs of student ceremonies at the TUMS campuses, affiliated hospitals, centers, dormitories, etc. Photographs of symbols and buildings of the university, Sideline Section of the Contest: In this section, participant submit historical photographs of the university (collected from books, publications and other official media) along with a brief explanation. Photographs will be judged, and the winners will be awarded with a cash prize.

Contest Procedure:

Participants have to submit their photos along with the features and specifications of the subject to the page @tums_news. The selected photos will be placed on the page @tums_news, and voting by the audience will be conducted in several steps. Individuals will be included in the competition who: Follow the pages of @tums_news and @tums_media during the contest. Share the contest post in their Instagram Story and Mention the page address on their Instagram. Mention three of their friends below the contest post on their Instagram


1. Instant print camera.

2. Smart watch.

3. Power bank.

4. Flash memory.

Contest Period:

April 20th, -  May 9th, 2021


Islamic and cultural values ​​should not be ignored or disrespected in photographs.

The photos published in books, magazines and news agencies are not accepted (with the exception of the sideline section of the contest).

The contest participants must be the owner of the work (with the exception of the sideline section of the contest).

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