1,1,1,2,3,4,4,5,5,5-Decafluoropentane (HFC-4310mee)

HFC-43-10mee is a volatile liquid at room temperature and used as a cleaning agent, aerosol, etc. HFC-43-10mee has low acute inhalation toxicity; 4-hour LC50 in rats of approximately 11,000 ppm. The compound was not a skin or eye irritant and was not a skin sensitizer. A cardiac sensitization response was not observed at 5000 ppm. Inhalation exposure resulted in neurotoxicity consisting of tremors, convulsions, jerking, ataxia, abnormal gait, etc. at exposure concentrations of 2000 ppm and above. Within approximately 30 min of exposure the clinical signs appeared and resolved within 1–2 h during exposure; the rats appeared to adapt such that these clinical signs were no longer observed. The neurotoxicity observed was considered an acute response to HFC-43-10mee. In a 90-day study, rats exposed to 2000 ppm resulted in sporadic clinical signs of neurotoxicity. At 3500 ppm, the clinical signs were evident on most exposure days although as the study progressed the apparent incidence declined likely reflecting adaptation. The NOAEL was 500 ppm. Based on the occurrence of the clinical signs in this and other studies, an acute threshold for neurotoxicity was evident at approximately 2000 ppm and above. No developmental or reproductive toxicity were evident at 2000 ppm, although clinical signs of neurotoxicity occurred in maternal or parental rats at 2000 ppm. No effects on offspring were observed. HFC-43-10mee was not genotoxic in vitro or in vivo. Based on the data, the 8-h TWA WEEL value is 225 ppm (2320 mg/m3). The 15-min STEL is 700 ppm (7217 mg/m3).

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