Dorsal penile curvature with megameatus intact prepuce hypospadias and “septum glandis” deficiency

I read with great interest the article recently published in the Journal of Pediatric Urology titled “Dorsal penile curvature and megameatus intact prepuce hypospadias: A common association in a rare variant of hypospadias”(1). The authors report on the association (19%) of the dorsal curvature with the megameatus intact prepuce (MIP) variant of hypospadias. The MIP is characterized with a subcoronal wide-mouth meatus with deep glanular groove associated with normal prepuce. Although the patients with distal ( Özbey H. Devecioğlu D. Staroverov O. A closer look at iatrogenic hypospadias. ) and mid-shaft ( Ben-David R. Kupershmidt A. Dekalo S. et al. Dorsal penile curvature and megameatus intact prepuce hypospadias: A common association in a rare variant of hypospadias. ) hypospadias were included in the study, I congratulate the authors on their important observation, which can be explained by the ligamentous structural forces between the corporal bodies and the glans that increase the stability of the glans.

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