Title: Emerging Techniques in Reproductive and Developmental Toxicology
Guest editors:
Guest Editors: Drs Daniel G. Cyr, Wilma G. Kempinas and Cibele dos Santos
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Special issue information:
The intent of this special issue is to provide topical reviews and new submissions on the use of novel techniques to predict and elucidate mechanisms of toxicity. We hope to provide a better understanding of how novel techniques can be applied to both in vivo and in vitro models of reproductive and developmental toxicology, in order to better define critical targets as well as new targets of toxicity.
Submissions which present original research, current reviews, commentaries, case reports and short communications are welcome.
Special Issue time-schedule: EM open for submissions on June 30, 2021 and manuscripts must be submitted by January 31, 2022. Submissions will undergo the normal peer-review process by the journal and the expected Special Issue publication will be in 2022.
Manuscript submission information:
Submission instructions:
EM submission link: https://www.editorialmanager.com/rtx/default.aspx
Authors to select “VSI: Emerging Toxicology Techniques” when submitting the special issue papers.
Refer to the journal´s Guide for Authors for more details:
After submission: As per VSI, papers once accepted will move to production, author proofs will be sent and when paper is ready it will be included in the immediate journal issue. Also, these papers will be grouped as VSI on ScienceDirect and when all papers are ready the VSI will be closed as one complete item.
For VSI issues, Shared Link of the final published version will be provided to the corresponding authors with 50 days free access so that they can share it in social media. Guest Editors are also provided with Shared link of all papers in the special issue with 50 days free access.
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