We correct three labeling errors, one in Fig. 4(a), and the other two in Section 3.2 of the manuscript text [Opt. Mater. Express 9, 826 (2019) [CrossRef] ].
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(1) A labeling error was spotted in Fig. 4(a) in Section 3.2 of our paper [1]. In our previous figure, the labels of the transmission curves (I and III) did not correspond to the appropriate SEM images.‘I’ should refer to the sample with ∼1 µm grains, ‘II’ should refer to the sample with ∼ 100 nm grains and ‘III’ should refer to the sample with ∼ 10 nm grains.
The corrected figure and its caption have been included below. The associated discussion in Section 3.2 remains the same except for the labeling change mentioned in (2)
(2) Under Section 3.2, in line 4, the words “shown in Fig. 4 (I, II and III) respectively” should be amended to “ shown in the Fig. 4 (III, II and I) respectively”(3) Under Section 3.2, in line 20, the words “Also, from the table,” should be amended to “Also, from the figure,” (referring to Fig. 4).Fig. 4. (a) OPTP measurements of different grain sized samples (I, II and III / ∼1 µm, ∼100 nm, and ∼10 nm) show significant differences in recombination lifetimes. This indicates that the size of the grains (relative to the probe length) plays a significant role in the induced THz photoconductivity. Smaller grains have a faster response but a smaller value of induced photoconductivity at the same optical fluence. The schematic depicted in the inset illustrates the role of grain boundary as recombination centers. The scale bar in all the SEM images is 2 µm. (b) Schematic illustration showing the observed tradeoff between photoconductivity and carrier lifetime with grain-size. An optimum window exists between the two, which can enable high-speed THz modulators with simultaneous large modulation depth.
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References1. P. Gopalan, A. Chanana, S. Krishnamoorthy, A. Nahata, M. Scarpulla, and B. Sensale-Rodriguez, “Ultrafast THz modulators with WSe2 thin films [Invited],” Opt. Mater. Express 9(2), 826–836 (2019). [CrossRef]
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