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Brain. 2009; 132: 3392-3400
high relapse frequency, and an altered trajectory of age-related brain growth. 2 Gorman MP Healy BC Polgar-Turcsanyi M Chitnis T Increased relapse rate in pediatric-onset compared with adult-onset multiple sclerosis.Arch Neurol. 2009; 66: 54-59
, 3 Aubert-Broche B Fonov V Narayanan S et al. Onset of multiple sclerosis before adulthood leads to failure of age-expected brain growth.Neurology. 2014; 83: 2140-2146
Fatigue and depressive symptoms are reported by up to 75% of children with multiple sclerosis and up to 50% can have cognitive deficits, with progressive worsening through time. 4 Amato MP Goretti B Ghezzi A et al. Neuropsychological features in childhood and juvenile multiple sclerosis: five-year follow-up.Neurology. 2014; 83: 1432-1438
Growing evidence suggests that factors such as diet, physical activity, and body habitus can mediate disease outcomes, 5 Petrin J Fiander M Doss P et al. A scoping review of modifiable risk factors in pediatric onset multiple sclerosis: building for the future.Children. 2018; 5: 146
and the relationship between these factors might be explained by the microbiome.
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