Exploring healthcare barriers and satisfaction levels among deaf individuals in Ecuador: A video-based survey approach

Hearing loss, a medical condition marked by partial or complete impairment of auditory function, can manifest as congenital or acquired, inflicting a substantial burden on those affected.1 The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that approximately 430 million people currently struggle with disabling hearing loss, and 80% of these individuals reside in low- and middle-income countries.2 Individuals experiencing this impairment face a multitude of challenges when engaging in communication with others. Effective speech for them is greatly dependent on visual cues and sign language as the primary means of interaction.3 Regrettably, healthcare systems worldwide frequently lack adequate provisions and often fail to recognize the specific needs of the Deaf community.4,5

A prominent obstacle is the scarcity of healthcare professionals who are proficient in sign language or trained in effective communication strategies with Deaf patients.6 This communication gap can lead to misunderstandings, misdiagnoses, and inappropriate treatments, ultimately compromising the quality of healthcare services received by Deaf individuals. Additionally, the limited availability of qualified interpreters, assistive technologies, and essential resources such as visual notifications, flashing lights, or vibrating devices exacerbates these challenges.4,7 Consequently, Deaf individuals face difficulty in comprehending medical information and participating actively in decisions about their health.8

Moreover, in the present era of globalization, online healthcare platforms and websites continue to be inaccessible to the Deaf community.9 Negative attitudes, stigmatization, and societal discrimination towards the Deaf further contribute to their marginalization within healthcare settings.10 These attitudes foster disrespectful treatment, hindering the development of trust between healthcare providers and their Deaf patients.11 These experiences not only affect the emotional well-being of the Deaf but also discourage timely seeking of medical care, potentially worsening health conditions.12

The provision of accessible and inclusive health services constitutes an inherent human right, regardless of abilities or disabilities.13 Nevertheless, the journey towards equitable healthcare for the Deaf is frequently obstructed by barriers that hinder their access and affect their overall satisfaction with services.14

In Ecuador, as of 2022, the number of Deaf individuals is 75,418, accounting for 12.2% of the overall population with disabilities.15 Currently, the presence of a disability is assessed through a bio-psychosocial evaluation in authorized health establishments, and this assessment is formalized through the issuance of a “disability card”.16 Among the organizations that has been advocating for the rights and interests of the Deaf community, is the National Federation of Deaf People of Ecuador (FENASEC), a legally constituted organization that has sought to safeguard the rights and interests of the deaf community in Ecuador since 1992.17

Deaf community has at its disposal the “COSORI” project, a proposal promoted by FENASEC that provides a communication mediation service between Deaf and hearing people who do not know sign language, with free and permanent access that can be used in any scenario, including during healthcare.17 In Ecuador, access to healthcare for the Deaf community is regulated within the framework of the Organic Law on Disabilities, which aims to provide health services without discrimination. However, there is currently no specific regulation ensuring an environment that regulates communication for the Deaf in healthcare.15 Despite these efforts, the challenges faced by Deaf individuals within the Ecuadorian healthcare system have yet to be thoroughly explored. Therefore, this article seeks to delve into the experiences and barriers faced by Deaf individuals in Ecuador concerning healthcare services, while also investigating the factors contributing to their satisfaction within these settings.

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