Complete mouth rehabilitation in a patient with condylar fracture malunion: A clinical report


Available online 4 March 2024

The Journal of Prosthetic DentistryAuthor links open overlay panel, , , , Abstract

Mandibular condyle fracture malunion and tooth loss can cause functional and esthetic problems. A patient with restricted mouth opening associated with muscle atrophy required prosthetic rehabilitation. Since the remaining teeth had a poor prognosis and the patient had difficulty adapting to the interim denture, complete mouth rehabilitation with implants was chosen. The implants were placed by using nerve lateralization and an autogenous bone graft. Prosthetic rehabilitation combines digital diagnosis and conventional prosthetic restorations. The definitive prosthesis was fabricated to ensure adequate oral hygiene and functional adaptation of the orofacial structures. Treatment resulted in stable masticatory function, occlusion, and esthetics and restored the function of the atrophied lips and restricted mouth opening.

Section snippetsCLINICAL REPORT

A 39-year-old woman had previously received open reduction and mandibular reconstruction subsequent to trauma and had a maximum mouth opening of <10 mm, which was likely associated with malunion of her fractured bilateral condyles. Radiographic examinations revealed evidence of reconstructive surgery in the anterior maxilla, mandibular body, and mandibular ramus. Panoramic radiography revealed a reconstruction plate on the mandible, a miniplate on the anterior maxilla, and a screw on the medial


Lateral positioning of the inferior alveolar nerve is an option for avoiding nerve damage. The patient experienced short-term numbness, which subsided after 3 months. Despite frequently causing short-term numbness, lateral positioning of the inferior alveolar nerve has been reported to be associated with fewer persistent neurosensory disorders than transposition.21 The prognosis seems to be favorable for preserving the original bone structure and interpositioning a collagen membrane between the


In a patient with restricted mouth opening associated with malunion of a traumatically fractured condyle, a combination of a digital workflow and conventional prosthetic treatment was used to restore masticatory function and esthetics. The factors that may affect implant prognosis include implant placement in situations of severe bone resorption, prosthesis design, and hygiene management.


All clinical interventions described in this manuscript were conducted with the informed consent of the individuals involved. Informed and voluntary consent was obtained from the patient. Patient identities and confidential information have been protected. Patient privacy and confidentiality have been maintained. Any potentially identifying information has been removed or anonymized.

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