Fungal Otitis Externa (Otomycosis) Associated with Aspergillus Flavus: A Case Image

A 48-year-old man presented with a chief complaint of intermittent right ear otorrhea of several-month duration, occasional otalgia and progressive unilateral hearing impairment. He also reported frequent episodes of headache and pressure in the sinuses and maxilla. Previous systemic treatment with antibiotics failed to alleviate the symptoms. A head/neck CT showed completely normal mastoid, middle ear and external auditory canal regions without any evidence of opacification or bone erosion. Otoscopic examination of the right ear disclosed aggregates of dried, brown, fibrillar material and debris occluding the external auditory canal and obstructing the otherwise intact tympanic membrane. Dilation of the external auditory canal or thickening of the tympanic membrane were not appreciated. The canal was debrided and the fibrillar material was placed in formalin. Histopathologic examination revealed numerous branching, septated fungal hyphae organized in densely-packed clusters. In other areas, the fungal hyphae abutted or were attached to lamellated collections of orthokeratin. As highlighted by GMS staining, the fungi were morphologically compatible with Aspergillus species. The clinicopathologic findings supported a diagnosis of fungal otitis externa, while the numerous anucleate squamous cells were compatible with colonization of an underlying, probably developing, cholesteatoma. Culture of material isolated from the external auditory canal confirmed the presence of Aspergillus flavus. In this illustrative case, we present the main clinical and microscopic characteristics of Aspergillus-related otomycosis developing in the setting of a tautochronous cholesteatoma.

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