Artificial transmembrane potassium transporters: Designs, functions, mechanisms and applications

Potassium channels represent the most prevalent class of ion channels, exerting regulatory control over numerous vital biological processes, including muscle contraction, neurotransmitter release, cell proliferation, and apoptosis. The seamless integration of astonishing functions into a sophisticated structure seen in these protein channels inspires the chemical community to develop their artificial versions, gearing toward simplifying their structure while replicating their key functions. In particular, over the past ten years or so, a number of elegant artificial potassium transporters have emerged, demonstrating high selectivity, high transport efficiency or unprecedented transport mechanisms. In this review, we will provide a detailed exposition of these artificial potassium transporters that are derived from a single molecular backbone or self-assembled from multi-components, with their respective structural designs, channel functions, transport mechanisms and biomedical applications thoroughly reviewed.

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