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ONGOING COLUMNS: Perinatal Patient Safety
Simpson, Kathleen Rice PhD, RNC, CNS-BC, FAAN
Author InformationKathleen Rice Simpson is a perinatal clinical nurse specialist in Saint Louis, MO and the Editor-in-Chief of MCN. Dr. Simpson can be reached at [email protected]
MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing | DOI: 10.1097/NMC.0000000000000974 Metrics In BriefChronic short staffing has a cumulative negative effect on nurses and their patients. Several recent studies have highlighted the issue of inadequate nurse staffing and nurse wellbeing. Professional nursing organizations are advocating for the establishment and implementation of standard evidence-based nurse-to-patient ratios. Mandated evidence-based nurse-to-patient ratios linked to hospital reimbursement and required by hospital accrediting agencies are much needed.
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