Genome-wide prediction of pathogenic gain- and loss-of-function variants from ensemble learning of a diverse feature set

Labeled GOF, LOF and neutral variant dataset curation

LoGoFunc was trained on a dataset of pathogenic GOF and LOF variants, collected from the literature via a NLP pipeline [14]. In brief, the NLP pipeline parses abstracts associated with high-confidence, disease-causing variants derived from the HGMD [15]. Professional version 2021.3, searching for terminology denoting GOF and LOF (Fig. 1a). In total, 1492 GOF variants from 344 genes and 13,524 LOF variants from 2030 genes were collected and labeled. In addition, 13,361 putatively neutral variants were randomly selected from the genes in which the labeled GOF and LOF variants occur, from gnomAD v2.1 [17] exome sequences (Fig. 1b, Additional file 1: Table S1). We used Ensembl’s VEP [21] to map the genomic coordinates of each variant to impacted genes and proteins where applicable and to retrieve molecular positioning information (e.g., residue position, transcript position) for each variant in the dataset. Leveraging this positional information, we further annotated each variant with 474 different features (Additional file 1: Table S2). These include protein structural features such as residue solvent accessibility and total residue contacts calculated from AF2 [12] predicted protein structures, gene-level features such as gene haploinsufficiency, variant-level features including splicing effects and inheritance patterns, and network features encapsulating the STRING [39] protein–protein interaction (PPI) network, representing, as a low-dimensional vector of numerical values, the qualities of a given protein’s inter-protein interactions in the context of its interacting partners (Fig. 1b). The annotated variants were split into label-stratified, gene-disjoint training and testing sets comprising 90% and 10% of the full dataset, respectively (Fig. 1b, Additional file 1: Table S1).

Fig. 1figure 1

LoGoFunc workflow and model architecture. a Pipeline for the collection of labeled pathogenic GOF and LOF variants. Related abstracts for high confidence pathogenic variants from the HGMD [15] were searched for nomenclature denoting gain or loss of function. b Dataset preparation and annotation. 1492 GOF, 13,524 LOF, and 13,361 neutral variants were obtained from the GOF/LOF database [14], HGMD, and gnomAD [17]. Using VEP [21] and other tools, variants were annotated with protein structural and functional features derived from AlphaFold2 [12] models or from sequence, with gene- and genomic-level features, variant-level features, and network-derived protein interaction features. The annotated data were split into training and test sets comprising 90% and 10% of the dataset respectively, stratified by variant label. c Model architecture and output. Variants are input to the model represented as an array of the 474 collected features. These features are encoded, imputed, and scaled prior to prediction. The model consists of an ensemble of 27 LightGBM [11] classifiers. A probability is output for each class, GOF, LOF, and neutral

GOF, LOF and neutral variants stratified by protein features

We postulated that structural and functional features of proteins predicted or derived from protein sequences and AF2 structural models may help to stratify GOF, LOF, and neutral variants. To investigate the varying impact on protein structure and function as well as potential differential localization within distinct protein regions, we examined protein features by calculating enrichments for each variant class, determined via Fisher’s exact test (Fig. 2a, Additional file 1: Table S3, 4). In total, GOF, LOF, and/or neutral variants demonstrated significant enrichments or depletions across 17 features derived from AF2-predicted protein structures and across 20 protein features derived from protein sequences or otherwise describing the proteins (Fig. 2a, Additional file 1: Table S3, 4). For example, LOF variants were significantly more likely to have a destabilizing effect on proteins, as predicted by DDGun [36], and to occur in highly conserved residues as determined by multiple sequence alignments generated by MMSeqs2 [56] (Fig. 2a, Additional file 1: Table S3, 4). GOF variants were found to be significantly more likely to occur in homomultimeric proteins and α-helices among other features (Fig. 2a, Additional file 1: Table S3, 4). Interestingly, both GOF and LOF variants were significantly more likely to have a high number of pathogenic HGMD variants in their spatial proximity (“Methods”), whereas neutral variants were significantly more likely to have a high number of gnomAD variants in their immediate vicinity. This phenomenon is exemplified by the Vasopressin V2 receptor protein in which pathogenic and putatively neutral variants can be qualitatively observed to localize to distinct regions of the 3D AF2 protein structure (Fig. 2b). Finally, neutral variants were significantly enriched for several features including occurrence in disordered protein regions and significant depletion in Pfam [57] or InterPro [58] domains among other features (Fig. 2a, Additional file 1: Table S3, 4).

Fig. 2figure 2

Structure- and sequence-based protein feature analysis. a Enrichments and depletions for protein structural and functional features used by the LoGoFunc model. GOF (blue), LOF (orange), and neutral (green) log odds ratios are displayed for each feature. Significant enrichments and depletions are denoted by asterisks. Significance was calculated with Fisher’s exact test, Benjamini–Hochberg corrected [44] to allow for multiple comparisons. (Left) Features derived from protein sequences or protein interaction data. (Right) Features derived from AlphaFold2 [12] protein structures. b AlphaFold2 predicted structure of the Vasopressin V2 receptor protein. (Left) Residues colored by the number of HGMD [15] pathogenic variants occurring in the nine closest neighboring residues in space. (Right) Residues colored by the number of gnomAD [17] variants occurring in the nine closest neighboring residues in space

We additionally performed Fisher’s exact test with neutral variants excluded so as to compare only pathogenic GOF and LOF variants and noted significant differences between GOF and LOF variants for seven structure-associated features and seven sequence or otherwise associated features (Additional file 2: Fig. S3, Additional file 1: Table S5, 6). Interestingly, GOF variants were enriched and LOF variants were depleted in Pfam or InterPro domains, in α-helices, in homomultimer-forming proteins, and for residues not affecting protein stability based on sequence-based and structural evidence (Additional file 2: Fig. S3, Additional file 1: Table S5, 6). Conversely, we found that LOF variants were enriched for destabilizing amino acid substitutions, for highly conserved residues and radical Grantham [42] position-specific scoring matrix substitutions, for high AF2-predicted local distance difference test scoring (pLDDT) residues, and in β-strands (Additional file 2: Fig. S3, Additional file 1: Table S5, 6).

Training, architecture and performance of LoGoFunc

To predict pathogenic GOF, pathogenic LOF, and neutral variants, we developed LoGoFunc, a soft-voting ensemble composed of 27 LightGBM [11] classifiers. Variants are represented as an array of 474 features that are encoded, imputed, and scaled before being input to the model which outputs three values corresponding to the predicted probability that the input variant results in a GOF, LOF, or neutral phenotype, respectively (Fig. 1c).

LoGoFunc achieved notable success in classifying GOF, LOF, and neutral variants. Considering the class imbalance in the dataset, we calculated the AP scores on the held-out testing data for each class. As expected, predicting GOF variants proved to be the most challenging task as GOF variants were the least represented in the training dataset. However, LoGoFunc still performed well with AP values of 0.52, 0.93, and 0.96 for GOF, LOF, and neutral variants, respectively (Fig. 3a). We also calculated the F1-score and MCC for LoGoFunc’s predictions of variants from each class. LoGoFunc realized F1-scores of 0.56, 0.87, and 0.89 and MCCs of 0.54, 0.75, and 0.80 for GOF, LOF, and neutral variants, respectively. To assess the impact of variants from homologous proteins in the training and testing sets on the model’s performance, we retrained the model on a training dataset that was constructed such that protein sequence identity with proteins in the testing set was no more than 40 percent. When testing on this sequence unique testing dataset the model achieved AP values of 0.37, 0.92, and 0.96 (Additional file 2: Fig. S4), F1 scores of 0.37, 0.84, and 0.88, and MCCs of 0.34, 0.70, and 0.79, for GOF, LOF, and neutral variants, respectively. To aid in the interpretation of LoGoFunc’s predictions, we calculated 95% confidence intervals for determining cutoffs for each class, as well as 95% confidence intervals for determining GOF, LOF, and neutral prediction cutoffs per gene (Additional file 1: Table S7).

Fig. 3figure 3

Performance assessment. Precision-recall curves indicating the discriminatory power of various pathogenicity prediction methods and LoGoFunc on a set of variants from the test set for which predictions were available from all compared tools. a LoGoFunc’s performance on all testing variants (n. GOF = 152, n. LOF = 1340, n. neutral = 1339). b GOF (n. 136) vs. neutral (n. 411). c LOF (n. 545) vs. neutral (n. 411). d GOF (n. 136) and LOF (n. 545) combined vs. neutral (n. 411)

We further assessed LoGoFunc on an independent set of variants collected from ClinVar for which we were able to derive functional labels from the literature. In total, we collected 823 GOF, 14,251 LOF variants, and 15,562 neutral variants from ClinVar which did not occur in our dataset collected from the HGMD and gnomAD. We found LoGoFunc to perform well on the ClinVar variants, achieving AP values of 0.52, 0.98, and 0.99, respectively, for GOF, LOF, and neutral variants (Additional file 2: Fig. S5a). Similarly, LoGoFunc realized F1 scores of 0.51, 0.90, and 0.93 and MCCs of 0.52, 0.94, and 0.96 for GOF, LOF, and neutral variants, respectively.

Benchmark against variant assessment algorithms

Current methods for classifying pathogenic GOF and LOF variants are limited by a restriction to a small number of proteins or have low predictive accuracy [14]. We therefore compared LoGoFunc to ten established predictors of pathogenicity/deleteriousness: CADD [4], SIFT [6], PolyPhen2 [5], DANN [59], BayesDel [8], ClinPred [60], GenoCanyon [61], MetaSVM [62], PrimateAI [63], and REVEL [7]. Importantly, none of these methods were developed to discriminate between pathogenic GOF and LOF, but rather were developed or are used to estimate the pathogenicity of genetic variants in general. To equitably assess each method’s ability to classify the different classes of pathogenic variants in our dataset, we selected the subset of 1092 GOF, LOF, and neutral variants from the test set for which all predictors provided a score. Of these variants, 136 were GOF, 545 were LOF, and 411 were neutral. Importantly, these variants are all missense, as the majority of compared methods provide predictions only for missense variants. We tested each method’s performance in classifying the pathogenic GOF and neutral variants, the pathogenic LOF and neutral variants, and all pathogenic and neutral variants separately. Finally, we examine if these methods produce scores that can discriminate pathogenic GOF from pathogenic LOF variants. Unsurprisingly, when comparing the methods for separating GOF and LOF variants, LoGoFunc is the only method to achieve a substantial improvement over the baseline with an AP of 0.63 followed by GenoCanyon with a score of 0.25 (Additional file 2: Fig. S6). For separating pathogenic GOF and neutral variants, LoGoFunc achieved an AP of 0.82 (Fig. 3b) and an AP of 0.87 for pathogenic LOF vs. neutral variants (Fig. 3c). The next best tool, REVEL, achieved AP values of 0.55 and 0.87 for GOF and LOF vs. neutral, respectively (Fig. 3b,c). Finally, we calculated the one-vs.-all AP for the neutral variants against the GOF and LOF variants. Once again, LoGoFunc scored highest with an AP of 0.91, followed by REVEL with an AP of 0.88 (Fig. 3d). We additionally compare the performance of these methods on the sequence unique testing set (Additional file 2: Fig. S7), though it should be noted that this comparison may overestimate the performance of the compared methods in relation to LoGoFunc as they may have been trained on variants in our testing set and were likely trained on an overlapping and/or homologous set of genes.

Previously, two methods, funNCion [9] and VPatho [10], were developed for the classification of GOF and LOF variants. However, both are limited in their applicability; in the case of funNCion, by a restriction to a small set of ion channel proteins, and in the case of VPatho, by an inability to produce discriminative predictions. We compared LoGoFunc to funNCion on the set of 27 GOF and 58 LOF variants in funNCion’s testing set and found our method to compare favorably despite focusing on a broader predictive task. Particularly, when treating GOF as the positive class, LoGoFunc’s GOF score achieved an AP of 0.77 compared to funNCion’s AP of 0.58 (Additional file 2: Fig. S8a). When treating LOF as the positive class, LoGoFunc’s LOF score achieved an AP of 0.87 compared to funNCion’s AP of 0.91 (Additional file 2: Fig. S8b). Similarly, we compared LoGoFunc to VPatho on all variants from our testing dataset for which we were able to retrieve predictions from the VPatho website (n. GOF = 152, n. LOF = 1339, n. Neutral = 1339). As above, we compared LoGoFunc and VPatho’s performances for classifying GOF vs. LOF variants (Additional file 2: Fig. S9a), GOF vs. neutral variants (Additional file 2: Fig. S9b), LOF vs. neutral variants (Additional file 2: Fig. S9c), and all pathogenic vs. neutral variants (Additional file 2: Fig. S9d), separately. We found that for each of these tasks, LoGoFunc substantially outperforms VPatho, predictions from which do not improve meaningfully over the estimated random baseline performance.

Because autosomal recessive (AR) disorders are most commonly associated with LOF mechanisms, and GOF variants more commonly associate with autosomal dominant (AD) disorders, we additionally investigated if mode of inheritance predictions—an important feature for the model (Fig. 4a)—alone are predictive of GOF and LOF variants. We selected the 134 GOF, 518 LOF, and 409 neutral variants from our test for which MOI-pred, a mode of inheritance predictor, produced a prediction. Similar to the methods designed for binary classification of variant pathogenicity, we found MOI-pred to be substantially less capable of discriminating between GOF and LOF variants than LoGoFunc (Additional file 2: Fig. S10) and likewise less able to discriminate between GOF and neutral and LOF and neutral variants, respectively.

Fig. 4figure 4

Explanation of LoGoFunc predictions. a SHAP values by class for features with combined SHAP values in the 90th percentile and above. b (Top) The SHAP values for the top ten features for the seven GOF variants found in the ion channel SCN2A in the test set. (Middle) The SHAP values for the top ten features for the eight LOF SCN2A variants in the test set. (Bottom) The SHAP values for the top ten features for the seven neutral SCN2A variants in the test set. c The experimentally determined structure of SCN2A [64] with the represented GOF (red), LOF (blue), and neutral (yellow) SCN2A variants from the test set. d The SCN2A model from the AlphaFold2 prediction database annotated with the represented GOF (red), LOF (blue), and neutral (yellow) SCN2A variants from the test set

LoGoFunc leverages diverse biological signals for prediction

To gain further insight into the model’s performance, we estimate the impact of each included feature on LoGoFunc’s predictions with SHAP [45]—a game theoretic approach for the derivation of explanations for machine learning models (Fig. 4a). We observed that LoGoFunc learned from a diverse array of features describing the genes and proteins containing variants and the variant impact upon these elements. These included functional, conservation, structural, and systems-based/network features, among others (Additional file 1: Table S8, Fig. 4a). For example, the top feature across classes was the consequence score collected from the CADD database of variant annotations which describes the severity of a variant according to sequence ontology [65] consequence terms (Fig. 4a). Other important variant features include predictions indicating pathogenicity from CADD, VEST4 [66], M-CAP [67], and MVP [68], the MOI-pred [69] mode of inheritance prediction of variants underlying autosomal dominant (AD) and autosomal recessive (AR) disease, and various measures of conservation from tools such as GERP [28], PhyloP [24], and PhastCons [24] (Fig. 4a). Several gene-level features were important for the model including the number of gene paralogs, the de novo excess rate [70], the mutation significance cutoff [71] 95% confidence interval, and the indispensability score [72]—all of which have previously been implicated in the stratification of pathogenic GOF and LOF variants and neutral variants [14] (Fig. 4a). In addition, LoGoFunc’s predictions were influenced by features indicating variant effects on protein structure and function such as the predicted variant impact on protein stability, the number of HGMD pathogenic or gnomAD variants proximal to variant impacted residues in 3D space, AF2 pLDDT scores which indicate AF2’s per-residue prediction confidence, and overlapping Pfam or InterPro domains (Fig. 4a). Notably, PPI network features also had a significant impact on the model. We processed the STRING PPI network using node2vec [40] resulting in 64 tabular features summarizing the human protein interactome weighted by the probability of interaction between each pair of putatively interacting proteins. Several dimensions of the transformed PPI network appeared in the list of top features as determined by SHAP [45] (Fig. 4a).

To further investigate the model’s predictions within genes, we examined the 22 variants included in our test set from sodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 2 (SCN2A)—an important transmembrane protein implicated in seizure disorders [73] and autism spectrum disorders [74]. Of these 22 variants, VEP indicated 12 to be missense, 4 to be stop-gains, 2 to be splice donor site variants, 3 to be synonymous, and 1 to be intronic. Twelve of the coding variant positions are included in the experimentally determined structure (PDB identifier 6J8E [64]) (Fig. 4c). Because the other ten variants are located in regions not covered by the structure, we analyzed the structural model generated by AF2 (Fig. 4d), which includes the full-length protein. Remarkably, LoGoFunc successfully classified all seven SCN2A pathogenic GOF variants, all seven SCN2A neutral variants, and six of eight pathogenic LOF variants, misclassifying two LOF variants as GOF. We then examined the top ten features indicated by SHAP to contribute to the model’s predictions for the GOF, LOF, and neutral variants separately (Fig. 4b). Again, we found a mixture of gene, protein, variant, and network features influenced the model’s predictions. Specifically, a range of mode of inheritance predictions (MOI-pred) of variants pathogenic for AD inheritance, scores indicating less protein destabilization (DDGun), and high VEST4 scores among others influenced the model to predict the SCN2A GOF variants as GOF. Similarly, several features prompted the model to predict the LOF variants to be LOF, including scores indicating higher impact on transcripts and downstream products, high VEST4 and CADD scores, scores indicating a greater destabilizing effect on proteins (DDgun), and high vertebrate conservation scores (PhyloP). Notably, high values indicating likely loss of native splice sites [29] contributed to the model’s LOF predictions for two LOF variants, consistent with VEP’s characterization of two of the LOF variants as splice donor site variants. The model’s predictions were most influenced towards neutrality by lower consequence scores, lower VEST4 scores, lower estimates of evolutionary constraint (GERP-S [26]), and vertebrate and mammalian conservation scores (PhyloP), and lower MOI-pred scores among other features.

PheWAS of predicted GOF and LOF variants

We conducted phenome-wide association studies (PheWAS) using predicted GOF and LOF missense variants in the BioMe BioBank cohort, comprising 29,477 individuals, which revealed several significant associations (Fig. 5). We compared some of the identified associations with those previously documented for known effects and predicted neutral variants, wherever possible (Additional file 1: Table S9). In summary, we observed a predicted LOF variant in the HBB gene, p.Glu7Lys (rs33930165), demonstrating associations with hereditary hemolytic anemias and sickle cell anemia (phecodes = 282 and 282.5, odds ratios [OR] = 5.63 and 6.59, P = 1.26 × 10−13 and 2.8 × 10−11). Similarly, another predicted LOF variant in HBB, p.Glu27Lys (rs33950507), showed an association with hereditary hemolytic anemias (OR = 14.8, P = 2.51 × 10−5). Notably, a previously identified LOF variant in the same gene, p.Glu7Val (rs334), exhibited significant associations with the same phenotypes, with an OR of 16.4 and a P value of 9.15 × 10−103 for hereditary hemolytic anemias and an OR of 116 with a P value of 2.04 × 10–68 for sickle cell disease. Importantly, LD analysis indicated that these three variants were independent of each other. In contrast, a predicted neutral variant, p.Ala111Pro (rs10768683), was found to be associated with a reduced risk of sickle cell anemia (OR = 0.38, P = 1.2 × 10–4).

Fig. 5

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