Predictors of proximal migration of straight biliary plastic stents

Authors and AffiliationsContributions

(1) Conceptualization: A.K., S.S., A.S., M.A., S.G., H.D. (2) Data curation: A.K., S.S., M.A., G.J., A.A., K.K., N.K., P.M., L.S., S.G., H.D. (3) Formal analysis: A.K., S.S., M.A., A.S., S.G., H.D. (4) Funding acquisition: not applicable. (5) Investigation: not applicable. (6) Methodology: A.K., S.S., M.A., G.J., A.A., A.S., S.G., H.D. (7) Project administration: A.A., S.S., M.A.,G.J., A.A., K.K., N.K., P.M., L.S., S.G., H.D. (8) Resources: A.K., S.S., M.A., A.S., S.G., H.D. (9) Software: A.K., S.S., M.A., A.S., S.G., H.D. (10) Supervision: A.K., S.S., A.S. (11) Validation: A.K., S.S., A.S., M.A., S.G., H.D. (12) Visualisation: A.K., S.S., M.A., S.G., H.D., G.J., A.A., A.S. (13) Writing—original draft: A.K., S.S., M.A., S.G., H.D., G.J., A.A., A.S. (14) Writing—review and editing: A.K., S.S., M.A., S.G., H.D., G.J., A.A., K.K., N.K., P.M., L.S., A.S. (all authors).

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Aditya Kale.

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