Low-Dose Short-Term Scheduled Ketorolac Reduces Opioid Use and Pain in Orthopaedic Polytrauma Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial

aDepartment of Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY; and

bDr. Bing Zhang Department of Statistics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

cDepartment of Trauma Surgery, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY;

dDepartment of Pharmacy Practice and Science, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.

Reprints: Jeffrey Austin Foster, MD, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery & Sports Medicine, University of Kentucky, 780 Rose St., MN 508 Lexington, KY 40508 (e-mail: [email protected]).

This project was aided by a grant from the Orthopaedic Trauma Association. The authors declare no conflicts of interest relevant to the submitted work.

D. C. Landy is a paid presenter or speaker for Smith & Nephew. D. L. Kinchelow owns stock or stock options in Procter & Gamble. A. Aneja is a paid consultant for DePuy Synthes and Runatek and has received research or institutional support from Department of Defense, Orthopaedic Trauma Association, American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society, and AO Trauma North America. A. Aneja or an immediate family member is a member of a speaker's bureau or has made paid presentations on behalf of DePuy Synthes and AO Trauma North America. All remaining authors declare they have no financial interests.

D. C. Landy is an editorial or governing board member for the American Journal of Sports Medicine. A. Aneja is a board or committee member for American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons and Orthopaedic Trauma Association. All remaining authors declare they have no nonfinancial interests.

Presented as a poster at the Annual Meeting of the AAOS, Chicago, IL, March 17, 2022, Annual Meeting of the OTA, Tampa, FL, Ocotober 13, 2022, and in part of Annual SOA Meeting 2022, White Sulphur Springs, WV, July 27, 2022.

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