Assessing the efficacy of duration and intensity prescription for physical activity in mitigating cardiometabolic risk after spinal cord injury

Purpose of review 

Spinal cord injury (SCI) heightens susceptibility to cardiometabolic risk (CMR), predisposing individuals to cardiovascular disease. This monograph aims to assess the optimal duration and intensity of physical activity (PA) for managing CMR factors, particularly obesity, after SCI and provide modality-specific PA durations for optimal energy expenditure.

Recent findings 

PA guidelines recommend at least 150 min/week of moderate-intensity activity. However, non-SCI literature supports the effectiveness of engaging in vigorous-intensity PA (≥6 METs) and dedicating 250–300 min/week (≈2000 kcal/week) to reduce CMR factors. Engaging in this volume of PA has shown a dose-response relationship, wherein increased activity results in decreased obesity and other CMR factors in persons without SCI.


To optimize cardiometabolic health, individuals with SCI require a longer duration and higher intensity of PA to achieve energy expenditures comparable to individuals without SCI. Therefore, individuals with SCI who can engage in or approach vigorous-intensity PA should prioritize doing so for at least 150 min/wk. At the same time, those unable to reach such intensities should engage in at least 250–300 min/week of PA at a challenging yet comfortable intensity, aiming to achieve an optimal intensity level based on their abilities. Given the potential to decrease CMR after SCI, increasing PA duration and intensity merits careful consideration in future SCI PA directives.

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