Nylon fabric coated with a silver nanowire network covered by graphene oxide sheets serves as an electrostatic air filter for highly efficient particulate matter removal

Among other environmental issues, air pollution has become an increasing concern. Notably, particulate matter (PM) with a diameter of less than 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) poses a serious risk to both the environment and public health, necessitating the development of effective, user-friendly, and adaptable prevention and treatment tools. In this study, we introduce a new reusable air filter that can be easily cleaned and captures PM2.5 with significant efficiency. A highly stable network of silver nanowires covered by sheets of graphene oxide were sequentially deposited on nylon fabric by dip coating, followed by 15 min of annealing at 120 °C. The fabricated filter not only removes PM2.5 with high efficiency (greater than 98.7%) but also demonstrates stable reusability. Moreover, the silver nanowires have long-term stability because the graphene oxide layer prevents oxidization in the air. Overall, this research demonstrates the potential of high-performance PM capture devices using simple materials and production methods.

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