Effects of Spinal Deformities on Hiatal Hernia Occurrence and Recurrence


Spinal deformities such as kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis have demonstrated a possible association between these deformities. Our hypothesis is that the presence of spinal deformities will increase the risk of hiatal hernia recurrence after repair.


The following data was retrospectively gleaned for patients undergoing hiatal hernia repair (1997–2022): age, sex, date of hiatal hernia repair, presence and type of spinal deformity, Cobb angle, type of hiatal hernia and size, type of hiatal hernia repair, recurrence and size, time to recurrence, reoperation, type of reoperation, and time to reoperation.


Spinal deformities were present in 15.8% of 546 patients undergoing hiatal hernia repair, with a distribution of 21.8% kyphosis, 2.3% lordosis, 58.6% scoliosis, and 17.2% multiple. There was no difference in sex or age between groups. Spinal deformity patients were more likely to have types III and IV hiatal hernias (52.3% vs. 38.9%, p = 0.02) and larger hernias (median 5 [3-8] vs. 4 [2-6], p = 0.01). There was no difference in access, fundoplication use, or mesh use between groups. However, these patients had a higher recurrence rate (47.7% vs 30.0%, p = 0.001) and a shorter time to recurrence (months) (10.3 [5.6-25.1] vs 19.2 [9.8-51.0], p = 0.02). Cobb angle did not affect recurrence.


Spinal deformity patients were more likely to have more complex and larger hiatal hernias. They were at higher risk of hiatal hernia recurrence after repair with shorter times to recurrence. This is a group that requires special attention with additional preoperative counseling and possibly use of surgical adjuncts in repair.

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