Reliability and validity of an adapted Arabic version of Scoliosis Japanese Questionnaire-27 in Saudi Arabia

Haher et al. have developed the original Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) outcomes questionnaires to facilitate the outcome assessment of surgical treatment of patients using a disease-specific, practical and, simple instrument. It consists of a total of 22 items including five domains; pain, self-image, function, mental health, and overall satisfaction [1,2]. It has been translated to Arabic version by Haidar et al. but, its discriminative validity and, internal consistency is suboptimal [3].

The Saudi health system is awarded for the majority of population free of charge. Moreover, the majority of Saudi people have reserved personality types. So, the Q15 “Are you and/or your family experiencing financial difficulties because of your back?” and, Q19 “Do you feel attractive with your current back condition?“) thought to be suboptimal to be applied on Arabic people. Many cultural similarities between Saudi and Japanese society than, American society. So, thought is the Scoliosis Japanese Questionnaire-27 would be more adapted to assess the treatment outcomes among female patient with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS).

A different health-survey validation methods have been illustrated in the literature. For example; construct validation, face validation, criterion validation content validation, and content validation [2,[4], [5], [6]]. The reliability and consistency of a questionnaire can be determined using its test-retest reliability and internal consistency [[7], [8], [9]]. The aim of current study to validate the Arabic version of Scoliosis Japanese Questionnaire-27 and to test it among Saudi patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

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